2007-11-11 00:00:00

This is our timeU petak 9. studenog učenici naše škole...

I ove godine učenici naše škole sudjelovali su u UNESCO-vom kvizu "This is our time". Ako vas zanimaju pitanja možete ih pronaći na službenoj stranici www.timeproject.org, a neka od pitanja su i sljedeća:

What is the difference between an original Limburgion pie and the modern alternatives?
Choose one answer. a. The time the pie is being baken
b. The size of the pie
c. The way of decoration
d. The fillings of the pie
What is the distance between the northernmost village in the Czech Republic and the North Pole?
Choose one answer. a. 2779 miles
b. 2668 miles
c. 2806 miles
d. 2689 miles   What is Kumyz made of?
Choose one answer. a. Cow milk
b. Camel milk
c. Horse milk
d. Goat milk


IV. gimnazija Zagreb