2018-07-21 08:25:14 Erasmus+ projekt: Unlock! Projekt: Unlock! Full name of project: Unlock your technological skills! Naziv projekta: „Otključaj svoje tehnološke vještine!“ Početak projekta: 1. 9. 2018. Trajanje projekta: 24 mjeseca Završetak projekta: 31. 8. 2020. Vrsta projekta: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, School Exchange Partnerships Partnerske škole: 1. Gimnazija Eugena Kumičića Opatija, Hrvatska 2. Šolski center Slovenske Konjice-Zreče, Slovenija 3. Gymnázium Hranice, Zborovaká 293, Češka Republika Škole partneri utvrdile su sljedeće činjenice:
Svaka ekipa će izgraditi sobu za bijeg u svom lokalnom okruženju. Učenici će istražiti lokalno kulturno-povijesno naslijeđe, pripremiti koncept priče, planirati razvoj potrebnih elemenata za sobu za bijeg, testirati funkcionalnosti svog koncepta u stvarnom okruženju, procijeniti i razviti konačna rješenja te u konačnici proizvesti učinkovit plan za širenje informacija o projektu. Nastavnici/mentori imat će dvije različite ali međusobno povezane uloge u ovom projektu kako bi se postigli najbolji mogući rezultati. Njihov glavni zadatak bit će mentoriranje učenika, a drugi zadatak istraživanje i implementacija novih metoda obrazovanja kroz razmjenu dobrih praksi između uključenih partnera. Rezultati projekta bit će četiri sobe za bijeg u lokalnim sredinama zemalja sudionica. One će predstavljati lokalno kulturno i povijesno naslijeđe. Korisnici će razvijati matematičke kompetencije. Tri sobe za bijeg će biti izgrađene u stvarnom okruženju. Jedna od njih bit će virtualna, objavljena online, što će je učiniti dostupnom svakome s internetskom vezom. Virtualna soba za bijeg jamstvo je održivosti projekta. Ponosni smo na inovativnu ideju prilagodbe jedne prave sobe za bijeg korištenju slijepih i slabovidnih osoba. Ta soba za bijeg pripada partnerima u Slovenskim Konjicama. Dugoročno, gledamo nastavak projekta u razvoju sobâ za bijeg koje će se prilagoditi drugim ranjivim skupinama (gluhe i nagluhe osobe, osobe s drugim tjelesnim oštećenjima, osobe s intelektualnim teškoćama ...). Izgradimo mostove između prirodnih znanosti i društvenih znanosti, između različitih kultura i jezika, između znanja i vještina, između teorije i prakse, kako bi se razvila najprikladnija metodologija obrazovanja. Našom metodom ispunit ćemo praznine nastale zbog nedostatka vještina potrebnih za obavljanje poslova današnjice i budućnosti, a učenici će steći iskustvo koje će im koristiti u stvarnom životu.
In English language: The partner schools identified the following conditions: Girls are less often using modern technology than boys. Theoretical knowledge of students who attend gymnasium is higher, but they cannot transfer this knowledge into everyday life situations. We miss activities that would encourage the integration of two seemingly different areas; these are social sciences and natural sciences. There is no content in the gymnasium program that would enable the development of technological competences, although technological literacy is a very important factor both in studying and in finding a job. In order to be genuinely gymnasiums should also have knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship – how to change the idea into a product, promote it and market it. The living environment is still poorly adapted for the blind and visually impaired.With the project Unlock! we want to draw attention to these shortcomings and to soften them. The project is innovative because visually impaired and blind people could cooperate and try an escape room. Our goals are: a) to integrate knowledge from social sciences and science, and apply this in life situations b) intercultural connection, to learn about other language cultures c) to develop technological and ICT literacy d) to develop mathematical literacy e) to learn a part of local history f) to strengthen entrepreneurial skills g) to enable girls and people with fewer opportunities (visually impaired, blind, students from socially weaker environments) to work with technology and ICT h) to encourage students to take non-formal education.Our intention is to actively involve pupils in every part of the project; when planning dissemination, students will learn marketing and communication with the public in order to achieve the longevity and sustainability of the project. The project’s prevalence planning will focus on the development of local tourism, which will be promoted on the World Wide Web. Project teams from each country will have participants from natural sciences and social sciences programs, and we will also ensure balanced gender representation in groups. Each team will build an escape room in their local environment. Students will explore the local cultural and historical heritage, prepare the concept of the story, plan the development of the necessary elements for the escape room, test the functionalities of their concept in the real environment, evaluate and develop final solutions, and ultimately produce an effective plan for disseminating information about the project. Teachers / mentors will have two different but interconnected roles in this project in order to achieve the best possible results. Their main task will be to mentor students, and the second task will be to research and implement new methods of education through the exchange of good practices between the partners involved. The results of the project will be four rooms in the local environments of the participating countries. They will represent a local cultural and historical heritage. Users will develop mathematical competences. Three escape rooms will be built in a real environment. One of them will be virtual, published online, which will allow anyone to use with an Internet connection. Virtual Escape Room is a guarantee for the sustainability of the project. We are proud of the innovative idea of adapting one real escape room to the use of the visually impaired and blind. This is the escape room in Slovenske Konjice. In the long term, we see a continuation of the project in the development of escape rooms that will be adapted to other vulnerable groups (deaf, physically disabled, people with intellectual disabilities …) We build bridges between natural sciences and social sciences, between different cultures and languages, between knowledge and skills, between theory and practice, in order to develop the most appropriate methodology of education. With our method we will fill the gaps of missing skills that are necessary for todays and future jobs, and students will gain some experience to use them in real life. |
Gimnazija Eugena Kumičića Opatija |