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The best visual solutions in the medium of photography - I respect
Autor: Snježana Kauzlarić, 17. 2. 2024.


The best visual solutions in the medium of photography are:

1. Marija Jurić, Poleti Sokole u polje najljepše...(Let the Falcon Fly…)

2. Lea Kolobarić, Kamenita vrata (Stone Gate) in Zagreb

3. Zita Bohm, Spring 

4. Ivana Milanković, Family

5. Fabijan Končevski, Friends

6. Andrea Blažević, Brodska špica (Brod High Street))

7. Sara Živić, Orchestra

8. Eva Premužić, White Horses

9. Karlo Bošković Brodski-Stupnik – Landscape

10. Fran Horvat, Advent

11. Sara Pavelić, Vatru gasi, brata spasi (Put out the fire, save a brother)

12. Evelin Vrzić, Individuals make up a community)

The audience, our school community, and friends of our school have chosen the photography by the author Sara Paveli Vatru gasi, brata spasi as the best photographic solution.

On January 19th, 2024 students attending the optional course Visual Culture and Artistic Expression, led by their teacher Snježana Kauzlarić, Art Teacher, and in cooperation with the school library, led by the school librarian Sandra Blažević, Croatian teacher, published a photography competition Ja poštujem/I respect. Through the medium of photography, they wanted to make young people aware of the values worth respect. Is it family, religion, art, or some virtue?

One hundred and ninety-five works came and all of them were published at the digital exhibition on Wakelet platform, which was part of the final exhibition. Ninety-nine students of our school and twenty-two students who attend Elisabeth-Lüders Berufskolleg at a German town Hamm with their mentor Anita Stoltz Vukovic participated in the competition The motifs were in accordance with the propositions of this competition: tradition, customs, nature, family, friends, architecture… The students have applied the artistic language in the medium of photography: framing, angles, contrast, and composition, and thus they have created original visual solutions.

The Committee consisting of:

1. Snježana Kauzlarić, Art Teacher,

2. Sandra Blažević, Croatian Teacher,

3. Karla Jezidžić, 4.a and

4. Helena Kravat, 3.c

has chosen the best fifty works that can be seen at the final exhibition on Wakelet platform. Then the twelve best works have been chosen and they can be seen at the exhibition at the school hall.

The best visual solutions in the medium of photography are:

1. Marija Jurić, Poleti Sokole u polje najljepše...(Let the Falcon Fly…)

2. Lea Kolobarić, Kamenita vrata (Stone Gate) in Zagreb

3. Zita Bohm, Spring

4. Ivana Milanković, Family

5. Fabijan Končevski, Friends

6. Andrea Blažević, Brodska špica (Brod High Street))

7. Sara Živić, Orchestra

8. Eva Premužić, White Horses

9. Karlo Bošković Brodski-Stupnik – Landscape

10. Fran Horvat, Advent

11. Sara Pavelić, Vatru gasi, brata spasi (Put out the fire, save a brother)

12. Evelin Vrzić, Individuals make up a community)

The audience, our school community and friends of our school have chosen the photography by the author Sara Paveli Vatru gasi, brata spasi as the best photographic solution.

Congratulations to all participants! All participants have received certificates of participation.

We would like to thank you for the donations; valuable books and printing of photographs. Thank you to Planetopija Publishing House and Mrs. Vlasta Prohaska for their generosity and wonderful books. Thanks a lot to Tiskara Best d.o.o. for their cooperation and the high printing quality of the photographs.

We would also like to thank our principal, Lucija Brnić, pedagogue, for her support in the realization of the competition.

Organizing committee: Snježana Kauzlarić, Art Teacher, Sandra Blažević, Croatian Teacher, Lidija Čorni, English Teacher and the students: Helena Kravat, Karla Jezidžić, Jana Pavlović, Ana Vlk, Lara Vrlazić, Matija Čakalović and Ana Matanović.




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