2015-11-20 08:56:13

Kreativna vukovarska poezija učenika osmih razreda

Nakon dvodnevnog boravka u gradu-heroju Vukovaru, učenici osmih razreda okušali su se u pisanju akrostiha na satu engleskog jezika, a na temu Vukovar i njegova patnja. Najuspješnije uratke možete pročitati na panou u holu škole, a u produžetku i prekrasne stihove učenika 8. d.

Hide and seek

Every soldier played it

Right here in Vukovar

Ordinary people fought for it

Everybody can

See that Vukovar will stand


Our hearts will always beat

For it


While we cry out

And try to forget

Red colour running on walls


Victims are sad while we try to

Understand the pain of losing somebody you

Knew your whole life

Our citizens still feel like this, even after

War ended

All still

Remember the crimes and have nightmares.


Josip, Ivona, Nikolina and Filip, 8. d


Marina Kolar, prof.

Osnovna škola "August Cesarec" Ivankovo