2015-09-01 14:46:24 Popis projekata iz engleskog jezika Kao što znate, svake godine izvodimo projekte na nastavi engleskog jezika. Tako će biti i ove godine Popis i objašnjenja projekata slijede u nastavku. 5. razred: Izrada jelovnika - pravilna prehrana (Zdravstveni odgoj i obrazovanje) 6. razred: Spelling bee (all year) 7. razred: My favourite book (poster)* Show and tell (all year) 8. razred: 20th and 21st century inventions (Power Point presentation) Debate pairs (Građanski odgoj i obrazovanje, all year)**
*Plakat treba sadržavati: - bilješke o piscu - mjesto i vrijeme radnje - kratak sadržaj - glavni likovi - tema djela - karakterizacija glavnih likova - vlastiti doživljaj djela - ilustracije djela - omiljeni odlomak iz knjige
**Debate themes: 1. Only teenagers who have problems - drink alcohol (pros and cons). 2. Is it important to be fashion-conscious and why? 3. Love is the most important thing in the world (pros and cons). 4. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 5. The most important invention of the 20th century is... 6. Is it too late to make the Earth a better place to live? 7. Vegetarianism (pros and cons). 8. Spending our free time in front of the computer is ... and why? 9. Learning English is important (pros and cons). 10. School uniforms are a good idea! |
Osnovna škola "Antun Klasinc" Lasinja |