2015-01-18 10:59:43

PARENTIAL MEETING about New School Project / Sastanak roditelja o Projektu Škole


ABOUT eTwinning School Project 'Postage Stamps= Small Ambassadors'

 taken place in our School in 15 January '15.

Lots of parents of pupils from grades 2, 5 and 6 were satisfied and supportive about Our School eTwinning we have starting running since November '14. There were pupils, our Project partners who  came, too. Our School headmistress Ms Skukan was with us, as well.

The presentation introduces the importance of  eTwinning, as the biggest platform of European (and partners from other countries of the worls as Partners+) Schools, the values of taking part in Projects that enables pupils develop as young democratic, tolerant, more capable pupils in order to cope with new ICT technologies, expand their English competences and meet other cultures, different from their own one. Innovative approach will make us grow, as School, in our Society and further.

Here is the photo from our meeting. Thanks for all the support!



eTwinning School team of volunteers & the teacher


UGODNO DRUŽENJE RODITELJA I  UČENIKA  PRI PREZENTACIJI eTwinning Projekta Škole  'Postage Stamps = Small Ambassadors' kao osnivača Projekta Škole


U četvrtak, 15. siječnja brojni roditelji učenika 2., 5d i 6.razreda, nekolicina učenika i naša ravnateljica, gospođa profesorica Skukan, susreli su se kako bi se upoznali sa eTwinningom, dobili prezentaciju Projekta Škole. Sa entuzijazmo učenici i njihova voditeljica eTwinninga  oduševili su roditelje koji su pružili punu podršku inovativnosti u izradi Projekta Škole i novih spoznaja, vještina i novih prijateljstava trideset učenika Škole steći volonterskim radom na Projektu tijekom 6 mjeseci, do lipnja o.g.


Zahvaljujemo i sa radošću prihvaćamo svačiju potporu! Sigurno će nam trebati.

Najavljujemo slijedeći susret za travanj '15.



















eTwinning tim učenika 2. razreda (2a, 2b, 2c), učenika iz 5d te onih iz  6c, 6d, 6e razreda.


Ksenija Vidmar-Ninčević

Osnovna škola Bartula Kašića Zadar