2015-10-23 15:12:18

Novi posjet gostiju iz Sjedinjenih Američkih Država / New guests from the United States

Dana 22. listopada 2015., Osnovnu školu Dalj posjetila je druga ovogodišnja skupina američkih turista s dunavskih kruzera, u sklopu njihovog jednodnevnog boravka u Hrvatskoj. Učenici su tom prigodom pripremili program sastavljen od dvije pjesmice i dva igrokaza na engleskom jeziku te hrvatske pjesme „Naranča“ koju je izveo školski zbor, a usto su im ponovo ponudili i različite suvenire koje su prethodno izradili. Voditelji priredbe bili su Olja Kikanović i Nenad Kolundžić iz 8.a razreda.

On October 22nd, a group of American tourists visited Dalj Elementary School for the second time this year, which was a part of their day trip in Croatia. Our students prepared several programs for that occasion. The third graders performed the well-known Hokey Pokey, the fifth graders showed their knowledge of German as a foreign language in a song called Grüsse, whereas the sixth and the eighth graders participated in two short plays – one being about school problems and another about teenagers’ Facebook addiction. In the end, they wanted the guests to hear some Croatian language, so the choir finished with the Croatian song Naranča, presenting the sound of the northern Adriatic coast. The hosts of the program were Olja Kikanović and Nenad Kolundžić from grade 8.

We also wanted to hear what the guests say about the program, therefore we asked one of the visitors for a short comment. This is what Mrs Mary Lou Morris, from Fort Wayne, Indiana, told us:

“I was very impressed with the program. The English of the students doing the Hokey Pokey and all the students responding in the play was very good, we could understand everything.  I must say that I am a teacher, too, and I love school. I used to teach in grades 1 through 4, and now I am teaching teachers, in a program called Workshop Way. It started in Ohio in August, with 40 teachers.

I can also say that our trip to Croatia has been beautiful so far, especially when we saw the sun came out after four days of rain.”

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Ovoga puta smo za dojam upitali i jednu američku gošću, gospođu Mary Lou Morris iz grada Fort Wayne u državi Indiana. Evo što nam je odgovorila:

„Bila sam vrlo impresionirana priredbom. Engleski jezik učenika koji su izvodili Hokey Pokey i učenika koji su glumili u igrokazima bio je jako dobar, mogli smo sve razumjeti. Moram reći da sam i sama učiteljica te volim školu. Ranije sam predavala u razrednoj nastavi, od prvog do četvrtog razreda, a sada podučavam učitelje u programu koji se zove Workshop Way (Put radionica). Taj je program počeo u državi Ohio u kolovozu i obuhvaća 40 učitelja.

Usto mogu reći da nam izlet u Hrvatskoj zasad teče prekrasno, pogotovo nakon što smo ugledali sunce poslije četiri izrazito kišna dana.“




Osnovna škola Dalj