2023-03-17 21:07:00 11th international HIPPO English Without Borders Olympiad On Friday, March 17th, students from all our schools (Vrbovsko, Severin na Kupi, and Moravice) competed in the 11th international competition in English HIPPO English Without Borders Olympiad. Given their age, they competed in three categories: Hippo 1 (4th and 5th grade), Hippo 2 (6th grade), and Hippo 3 (7th and 8th grade). A total of 30 students participated in the competition and demonstrated knowledge of reading comprehension and the use of English. The students from the Nikola Tesla Branch School from Moravice who competed are Andrea Mance (class 4 – Hippo 1), Dora Štefančić (class 5 – Hippo 1), Dora Mance (class 6 – Hippo 2), Tamara Kljajić, Sara Karabatković and Petra Rebić (class 7 – Hippo 3), and Darin Goršić and Dina Marković (class 8 – Hippo 3). The results, which will be announced in April, are eagerly awaited! |
Osnovna škola Ivana Gorana Kovačića Vrbovsko |