2023-04-07 19:48:00

11th HIPPO English Without Borders Olympiad results and semi-finalists

In March, eight Nikola Tesla Elementary School students from Moravice competed in the International Competition in English HIPPO English Without Borders, where they achieved excellent results.

Of the eight competitors (Andrea Mance, Dora Štefančić, Dora Mance, Sara Karabatković, Tamara Kljajić, Petra Rebić, Darin Goršić, and Dina Marković), one of them advanced to the further round of the competition, which will be held on Saturday, April 22.


Dora Štefančić, the 5th grade student, qualified for the world semi-finals as one of Croatia's 10% of the best students.


The results of all categories can be viewed in the attachment to this news.


We heartily congratulate all students on their great success and give big applause to our Dora!

Osnovna škola Ivana Gorana Kovačića Vrbovsko