2019-03-19 17:31:00 Project Day 2019 The topis of the Project Day 2019 was the river. Although it referred to the river Kupa, my students said that they have nothing to do with the river Kupa but with the river Dobra. So they decided to write poems about the river in general and then translate them into English. They did an amazing job. Read their poetry and enjoy!
Rijeka je voda što utire svoj put, živahna i stalno vijugava. Predivan je ukras prirode, odraz i sreće i tuge. Prijatelji su joj šume i livade, leptiri, ribe, drveće i cvijeće.
Po cijele dane ona žubori: „Bez mene nema sreće prirodi!“
A river is a water which paves its own path, Lively and constantly winding. The most beautiful nature's ornament, An echo of happiness and sorrow. Its friends are forests and meadows. Butterflies, fish, trees and flowers.
Every day it purls: 'Without me there is no nature's happiness!'
Aleksandra Ninković, 5th class
Gledam rijeku. Zamišljam joj izvor i put. Razmišljam što sve krije u svojim valovima. Tko koristi njeno dno za svoj dom.
Za mene rijeka je nevolja... Kad u nju odleti lopta usred utakmice.
Za mene rijeka je osvježenje... Kada ljeti tražim spas od vrućine.
Tako malo znam o rijeci. A želio bih znati koga spaja, a koga razdvaja. Gdje počinje, a gdje završava. Ne znam puno... Ali, jedno znam – Gdje je rijeka, tu je moj zavičaj.
I'm watching the river. I'm imagining its spring and its path.
I'm thinking...what is it hidden in its waves, Who call its riverbed the home.
For me, the river means trouble... When a football falls in it during the match.
For me, the river means refreshment When I seek a shelter from the summer heat.
I know very little about the river. But I would like to know Whom it connects and whom it parts. Where it begins and where it ends.
I don't know much about the river But I know one thing – Where the river flows, my home is near.
Ozren Mrvoš, 6th class
Moja rijeka je poput sunca što se sjaji.
Moja rijeka utire svoj put podno gorostasnih planina.
U svakome od nas žubori rijeka čuda.
Moja se skriva u mom srcu. Stidljivo proviri tu i tamo.
Ali, ondje je uvijek.
U njoj se moja tišina oslikava.
My river is Like the shining sun.
My river paves its path Down the glorious mountains.
In each of us Purls the river of wonders.
Mine is hidden within my heart. Timidly it peeks here and there.
But, it is ever present.
In it my silence is painted.
Maja Milošević, 7th class
Često jutrom, kada sunce svane, osluškujem žubor rijeke sa strane. Nježnim me tokom Poput proljetne kiše doziva. I budi mi najljepše uspomene sreće, ljubavi i mira. Dok gledam u njene dubine, sjećam titraj u svakoj kapi koja za mojim osmjehom vapi.
Often in the morning, when the first dawn breaks, I listen to the purling of the near-by river. With its gentle flow it calls me like a spring shower. And it evokes the sweetest memories of happiness, love and peace. While I gaze at its depth, I feel a flicker in every drop which begs for my smile.
Ema Lešnjaković, 8th class
Sanjah život u vodi. Proživjeh bezbroj istih.
Suncem obasjano srce. Mjesecom okupana duša.
Svaka priča – Jedna sudbina.
Svaka kap – Jedna rijeka.
Jedna rijeka – Jedan život.
Kap. Rijeka. Život.
I dreamt a life in the water. I lived a myriad of the same.
My heart sunbathed. My soul moonlit.
Every story – One destiny.
Every single drop – One river.
One river – One life.
A drop. A river. Life.
Ema Konjević, 8th class |
Osnovna škola Ivana Gorana Kovačića Vrbovsko |