2017-02-20 09:54:08


Lazy Henry lived in a nice little town called Jerrysville. Every one in that town was very productive, just as a bee! But Henry was the only lazy one...

His mother would tell him every day of every month of every year to do his chores... But he only threw the thrash a meter away from him...

Henry learned a lesson that day...

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When Henry woke up in the morning he did not find his mum anywhere...

‘’Where is my mother?“ Henry asked.

„She will probably be back in a blink of an eye...“ Henry said.

Henry blinks once... blinks twice and so on... „What is taking her so long? I'm hungry!“ Henry demanded!

He rolled to the kitchen as always, hoping to find food on the table... „OH NO!!!“ He yelled... „There is no food! HELP!!“.

As he was waiting for his mother he thought it's taking forever... When he rolled to his room he saw a letter... The letter said: „Henry, I’m going to the mall... Please do something productive... Please...“

Henry read the letter and realized that he should not be worried.... She is coming back in a bit... As Henry rolled to the entrance door and waited for 5 minutes... „WHERE IS SHE?!? IT WAS 5 HOURS!?!“

As Henry cried for his mum he finally got up on his feet and actually did something in his life... He made breakfast for his mum and himself... He made lunch too! He made his and mum's bed as to show that he is worthy to have a mother... And soon... Henry's Mum arrived... Looked at the thing's he has done and gave Henry a big ol' hug.

„Thank you Henry...“ Mum whispered.

After that Henry was never lazy again... Until the next day... He rolled again...


Matija Špiljak, 6a

Osnovna škola Jabukovac Zagreb