2023-02-14 22:54:10


Every one of us is gifted for something, be it the field of natural or social sciences, artistic field or physical and motor skills.

But is that why we are also gifted? Are gifted pupils those who achieve better results than most or express an interest in a certain area?




Answers to this and some other questions were provided to the project team of Primary school of J. Kozarac, Semeljci, Primary school of J. J. Strossmayer, Trnava and Primary school Đakovački Selci - provided by psychologists from the „Klikeraj“ Association, as part of the project "STEM - my education".


What are the types of giftedness?

What behaviors and emotions characterize gifted pupils?

How are gifted students perceived by teachers and other students?

How to assess the potential of giftedness?


     The answers to these and a number of other questions are key in recognizing giftedness in school, and the answers were tried to be given by Josipa Mamužić and Ivan Alagić, the president and vice president of the „Klikeraj“ Association, which is particularly involved in working with gifted students.

    The teachers of the mentioned three schools were gathered in the project team, and 21 members of the project team participated in the workshop "Identification of giftedness in school". These teachers participate in the "STEM - my education" project, which is financed by the Kingdom of Norway through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area.


Osnovna škola Josipa Kozarca Semeljci