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Young gardeners tested their entrepreneurial skills at the spring fair


 With the arrival of warmer spring days, the students of the extracurricular group "Young Gardeners" at Josip Kozarac Elementary School in Semeljci saved the planted plants from "cooking" in the greenhouse. The plants were therefore "moved" to the sales stand, as part of the spring fair that the student cooperative regularly holds. At the trade stand, there were seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, thyme... but also flowers such as Chinese Aster and roses.

      This linking of cultivation and sales was a short introduction to entrepreneurship for students for whom the education "Children and Entrepreneurship" was previously held, all within the project "STEM - my education", financed as part of the call "Strengthening STEM skills in primary schools". , and from the funds of the European Economic Area and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. As part of the project, the activity "Development of learning models, practical work in classes and other educational activities in STEM, ICT, entrepreneurship and active citizenship" is foreseen, and the held fair is one example of the implementation of this activity.

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objavio: Marina Gregić   datum: 26. 5. 2023.

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