2017-10-17 18:54:39 Diseminacija rezultata projekta "My homeland, my people, my tradition" Kahoot! kviz znanja, rezultat Erasmus+ projekta "My homeland, my people, my tradition" Kahoot! knowledge quiz, the result of the Erasmus+ project "My homeland, my people, my tradition" HRVATSKI UPUTE: (obavezno pročitati do kraja) 1. UČITELJI: Potrebno je biti spojen na projektor s računalom s kojim ulaze u kahoot link ispod. Kada kliknete na link ispod teksta izaberite TEAM MODE. Za lozinku koja vam je potrebna za uključenje učenika u Kahoot kviz sačekajte 6-znamenkasti PIN broj. https://play.kahoot.it/#/?quizId=f9fc71f5-e9ee-4e02-9b0a-478bbc34f81c 2. UČENICI: S drugog uređaja koji ima pristup internetu uđite na link ispod i unesite 6-znamenkasti PIN broj. Broj ekipa koji se želi natjecati određuje broj uređaja potrebnih za prijavu s istim PIN brojem kojeg će vam učitelji dati. Svi koriste isti PIN broj ukoliko se žele nadmetati. Potom unosite naziv ekipe nakon čega ćete unijeti imena članova ekipe. ENGLISH INSTRUCTIONS: (read all) 1. TEACHERS: A teacher should have a computer connected to a projector which he/she will use to enter the Kahoot link below and show the questions to the pupils. After clicking on the link below choose TEAM MODE. For the password that your pupils need to enter the Kahoot quiz wait for a 6-digit PIN number. https://play.kahoot.it/#/?quizId=f9fc71f5-e9ee-4e02-9b0a-478bbc34f81c 2. PUPILS: From another device which has access to the Internet go to the link below and enter the 6-digit number provided by the teacher. The number of needed devices which have access to the Internet is equal to the number of teams that would like to compete. All the teams use the same 6-digit PIN number in order to compete among themselves. The last step before playing is Team name and team members' names. |
Osnovna škola Josip Pupačić Omiš |