2022-09-30 10:48:00 CHAT 2022_2023. Monday,12th of September Hungarian students were travelling to Croatia for 9 hours. The trip was long and tiring. Meanwhile, Croatians arrived to the hostel at 5 p.m. Our guests arrived at 6 p.m. We introduced ourselves to each other and helped Hungarian students to find their rooms. Our first activity was playing volleyball together. After that, we had dinner. We were all happy to eat because we were hungry. When everyone finished, we took a walk to the beach to watch the sunset. We also introduced ourselves to each other during the walk. After some time, we went back to the hostel and Croatians left soon after. That evening we laughed and had so much fun. Lucija Grancarić, 7.c Tuesday, 13th of September On Tuesday Hungarians got up at half past seven and had breakfast at eight. After breakfast, the bus drove them to our school. We all met in front of the school at 10 a.m. Croatian students guided their groups and showed Hungarians around the school. They really liked it. When we finished the tour, we all gathered on the school’s stage and talked for a long time. Later we went to the beach and played “picigin”. The lunch was at 2 p.m. There were four chairs at each table so we sat mixed: two Hungarians and two Croatians. In the afternoon we had two workshops, one with our biology teacher Julije Žigo, about coast, sea animal, plants… and one with teacher Olivia where we made little lavender dolls. After workshops, Croatians went home, and Hungarians went back to the hostel and had dinner. We enjoyed that day a lot. Lucija Grancarić, 7.c Wednesday, 14th September The Hungarian students had breakfast at the hostel, while the Croatian students arrived at 8 am and the bus left at 9 am to Nin. There were a lot of old buildings and statues. We also went into a church to sing. The Hungarian kids sang their school anthem and a Hungarian song. Then we went to the beach for 40 minutes,so we could make it in time to the salt museum.The museum wasn't really a museum, it was a salt factory instead. The salt-making process was divided into 5 phases, after each phase the water got more and more saltier, until it was crystallized. After the museum we went back to the hostel. On our way back we stopped to see the worlds smallest church; St. Nicholoas church. At the hostel we had workshops, one group focused on black out poetry, then we switched. Body languge was interesting while black out poetry was fascinating. After this the Croats went home while the Hungarian students had dinner. All and all, we all had a great time. Marija Brkić, 7.d 15th September 2022- TRIP TO VRANA At 8:30 am the bus picked us up. We arrived at Vransko jezero (Vrana lake). We learned about the birds and animals thet lived there. The landscape was very beautiful and the weather was windy. Then we went to another observation deck, it was on a high mountain, there you could see a huge lake and the sea. It was very beautiful because everywhere you look you could see rocks and sea. The view took our breath away. Later we went to Maškovića Han, it is a small castle. We went to a samll museum, the museum was about what they found in the castle many years ago. It was interesting. Teachers took photos of us under the tree. While we waited for lunch we sat in the grass and played some music. For lunch we had chicken and fried potatoes. When we came to Zadar, we went to play buće, but is started to rain. Half of the students stayed to play and other half went back to the hostel. At the hostel we had a workshop where we made art out of algae. After that we played volleyball. The Croatians went home and the Hungarians had dinner. Marija Brkić, 7.d
Friday 16th On Friday we visited the city centre. First we visited the Ancient Glass Museum. We learnt about the production of glass and saw glass items from ancient times. It was very interesting and educational. After the Ancient Glass Museum we had some free time to go sightseeing. Some of the places we visited were: Saint Donat Church, Sea organ, Five wells… After that all the groups met and went to see the Mayor. The Mayor was very nice and he gave the Hungarian kids and teachers lovely gifts. We had lunch at Tavern Kamen. We had lots of delicious food and the restaurant was really nice. Later we went to Pablo Picasso's exhibit at Providur's Palace. The exhibit was very nice and we had a worksheet to complete. The tasks were easy and we did them on time. After the exhibit we had tasks in the centre of the city. The first task was to take photos in different places. Taking the photos was fun but going around the city was tiring. The second task was a compilation of math exrecises prepared by our maths teacher Ana Kanjer. They were hard but we managed to solve them. Once we were all done with the tasks we gathereed again and went home. The group of the day was the yellow group. Lori Sutlović, 7.a
Na priloženoj poveznici pogledajte multimedijalne zapise koje su izradili učenici: Lucija Grancarić, Lori Sutlović, Marija Brkić, Davor Božajić, Marko Dinarina i Šimun Nekić. https://sway.office.com/4YuoyKeZEK5IP18k?ref=Link
Osnovna škola Krune Krstića Zadar |