2015-07-20 09:56:32
Projekt "I dječji glas je važan" i OŠ Mate Lovraka KutinaNaša škola sudjelovala je tijekom mjeseca svibnja i lipnja 2015.godine u projektu Društva Naša djeca Kutina pod nazivom "I dječji glas je važan".
Nacionalna zaklada za razvoj civilnoga društva u sklopu natječaja "Solidarnost i društveni kapital u lokalnoj zajednici" pokretač je ovoga projekta, a financiraju ga Ured za financijske mehanizme Europskog gospodarskog prostora i Norveški financijski mehanizmi.
Cilj svih akcija objedinjenih u ovaj projekt bio je poticanje volonterskih aktivnosti djece i odraslih kako bi svojim djelovanjem poboljšali uvijete i kvalitetu života u zajednici. Poseban naglasak stavljen je na solidarnost te suradnju i djece i odraslih koji mogu promijeniti na bolje svijet u kojem živimo. Naglašena je i mogućnost djece da utječu na odluke o aktivnostima u gradu, što je poticano kroz parlaonice, info-štandove te podizanje svijesti djece o mogućnosti da kroz Dječje gradsko vijeće, Vijeće učenika i Dječje forume zaista utječu na zbivanja.
Sudjelovanje djece u ovakvim akcijama potiče i olakšava stvaranje tolerantne, nenasilne i sigurne zajednice te potiče kulturu međusobnog poštivanja i povjerenja.
Učenici su u suradnji DND-a i Odreda izviđača „Betlehem“ imali priliku okušati se u igri skrivanja i traženja blaga "Geochacing" koja je organizirana na području kutinskog bazena i okolne šume. Ovom igrom objedinjena je potreba da djeca provode vrijeme na zraku, negdje u prirodi, s njihovim znanjem korištenja mobilnih uređaja povezanih s internetom. Razvojem sposobnosti kreativne uporabe informatičkih pomagala djeca se pripremaju za budući aktivan suživot i djelovanje u svom mjestu, gradu, državi u kojoj žive i globalnoj zajednici uopće.
Učiteljica iz OŠ Banova Jaruga Đurđa Krajcar osmislila je i provela zanimljivu i poučnu radionicu pod nazivom "Stvarajmo tolerantnu, nenasilnu i sigurnu zajednicu". Djeca su osvjestila pojmove sukob i tolerancija te potrebu za zaštitom onih koji su slabiji kroz zajednički zanimljiv rad u grupama.
Akcijom koju smo nazvali "Problem po problem"(jer je predviđeno uočavanje i popravljanje stvari koje su u okviru dječjih sposobnosti) djeca i odrasli volonteri sudjelovali su u uljepšavanju izgleda dvorišta i igrališta škole. Zaštićeni su i svježe obojani rukometni golovi i nosač košarkaškog obruča te su postavljene nove mreže na rukometne golove i koš. Kućica u istočnom dvorištu škole obojana je i pretvorena u ukras dvorišta, a zaštićena su i ukrašena i stara metalna vrata garaže.
Parlaonica „Slušajmo djecu“ uputila je djecu na mehanizme kojima mogu utjecati na promjene onoga što smatraju nužnim za boljitak zajednice u kojoj žive. Osim problema na koje su ukazali upoznati su s radom Vijeća učenika u školi, Dječjeg gradskog vijeća na nivou grada Kutine i Dječjih foruma pri Društvu Naša djeca Kutina.
Izradom plakata na temu „Pokažimo da i mi možemo aktivno sudjelovati“ izloženi su dječji dojmovi o temama koje ih zanimaju ili zabrinjavaju.
Učenici, djelatnici škole i volonteri DND Kutina pokazali su kako je solidarnošću moguće učiniti pomake u mijenjanju na bolje kvalitete življenja.
O svim ovim aktivnostima informirana je javnost putem web stranica škole, Društva Naša djeca i Odreda izviđača "Betlehem", FB stranicama istih te info-štandovima u školi i u skolpu Ljetne razbibrige u parku na Trgu kralja Tomislava u Kutini gdje su dijeljeni leci o projektu te provedena još jedna anketa za djecu o tome što smatraju bitnim za rješavanje u gradu.
Ovakve akcije doprinose težnjama da djeca postanu aktivniji sudionici zajednice i da podignu svijest o prilici koju već sada imaju da utječu na događanja oko sebe. Također se nastojalo podići razinu solidarnosti i tolerancije u zajednici na dobrobit svih sudionika.
During May and June 2015 our school has participated in Our Children's Society of Kutina's project "Children's voice also counts".
This project was launched by National fundation for civil society development as a part of "Solidarity and social capital in local community" application, and it was financed by Agency for financial mechanisms of European economic environment and Norwegian financial mechanisms.
The main goal of these actions united into this project was encouraging volunteering activities with both children and adults, all with the sole purpose of improving conditions and the quality of living in community as the result of their own actions. Special emphasis was placed on solidarity, volunteering, and cooperation between children and adults by which they can change the world we live in for the better. The possibility of children influencing the decisions about activities in the city was outlined, which was encouraged through debate classes, info-stands, and by boosting the awareness of children about the possibility that they can really influence the ongoings through Children's city council, The Council of pupils, and Children's forums.
Children's participation in this kind of projects encourages and eases the creation of tolerant, non-violent and safe community, but it also encourages the culture of mutual respect and trust.
Through cooperation between Our Children's Society and The Scouting squad "Betlehem", the children have had the chance to try out the hide and seek and looking for treasures game "Geochacing" which was organized at the area around Kutina 's pool and the woods that surrounds it. Because of this game children's need to spend time in the fresh air out in the nature has been combined with their knowledge of using mobile devices connected with Internet. Through developing the abilities for creative usage of computer tools, the children are prepared for their future active coexistence in the place, town and the state they live in as well as the global community in general.
Teacher Đurđa Krajcar came up with and carried out interesting and educating workshop: "Let 's create tolerant, non-violent and safe community ". The children were reminded or introduced to the terms conflict and tolerance and the need for protection of the weaker ones through interesting team work in groups.
Both children and adult volunteers participated in the embellishing of school yard and playground as a part of the action we've called "Problem by problem" ( because it was anticipated for children to perceive and fix the problems which are within their capability limits). Handball goals and basket post have been protected and freshly painted, and the new nets for baketball hoop and handball goal have been placed. The little house in the eastern yard of the school has been repainted and turned into the jewel of the yard, and the old metal garage door has been protected and decorated too.
"Let's listen to the children " debate routed the children towards the mechanisms they can use to influence the changes of things they consider necessary for the well-being of the community they live in. Besides the problems they've pointed out, they got acquainted with the work of Children's council at school, Children's city council at the city of Kutina level and Children's forums at Our Children's Society Kutina.
By making the poster "Show them that we can activly participate, too", children's impressions about things which interest or concern them have been displayed.
Pupils, school employees and the volunteers of Our Children's Society Kutina have shown that it's possible that you can make great changes for the better in the quality of living only by solidarity.
About all these activities public was informed through info-stands at school and during "Summer distraction"/"Ljetna razbibriga" happening in the park at Kralj Tomislav square where the brochures about the project have beeh issued, and where another survey between children about what they consider important for dealing with problems in town, has been made.
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