2021-03-15 18:39:29 PREDAVANJE O NASTANKU AMERIKE U sklopu nastave engleskog jezika četvrti razred uči o Sjedinjenim Američkom Državama. Četvrti razred škole Nin je u goste pozvao nagrađivanu profesoricu povijesti iz gimnazije Vladimir Nazora, prof. Tihanu Magaš da dođe održati predavanje o nastanku Amerike. Profesorica se odmah odazvala i rado došla četvrtašima u goste. Održala je predavanje i djeca su bila oduševljena i rado su sudjelovala u igrama koje je profesorica za njih pripremila. Na kraju predavanja profesorica je djeci pripremila dar koji je ujedno bio i ponavljanje predavanja .
As syllabus of class 4 includes learning about the United States od America, class 4 from Nin decided to invite professor Tihana Magaš from Vladimir Nazor Gymnasium to come to their class and explain how America was founded. The professor gladly accepted their invite and came to visit them. She explained everything to them and the children liked it a lot and gladly participated in the lecture. At the end of a lecture she gave them little gift boxes which consisted of little gifts and each gift represented a part of a lecture so children revised a lecture trough this gift. Dojmovi djece: Teacher Tihana is a great teacher. It was very interesting. ( Nejla ) It was great. American history is very interesting. ( Sara ) It was very interesting. We talked about American history. At the end we all got a little present. ( Marcela ) It was great. American history is very interesting. ( Tea ) It was fun and America is very intersting. Teacher Tihana is so good. It was great. America is so interesting. The teacher explained everythinf very well. We had fun and learned a lot. We all received a small gift which helped us to better remember what we learned. ( Lara )
Osnovna škola "Petar Zoranić" Nin |