2011-10-28 13:08:12 Halloween na satu engleskog jezika Učenici 8. razreda ovaj su tjedan na nastavi engleskog jezika obilježili nadolazeći britanski i američki blagdan u nas poznat kao Noć vještica. Cilj sata bio je učenicima objasniti podrijetlo blagdana kako bi pobliže upoznali kulturi tih dviju zemalja, a učenici su zauzvrat pokazali lepezu svoje kreativnosti, od strašnih priča, jezivih pjesama do likovnih radova. Zato, ako želite osjetiti pravi keltski doživljaj Halloweena, pročitajte doživljaje koji su naši učenici podijelili s nama. Katarina Rengel,mag. edukacije engleskog jezika i književnosti A witch flies fast on the broom While I am lying in my bedroom One, two, three and four The omen is already on my floor. Bats are hanging from the ceiling And tonight nobody will be sleeping Strange noises are coming from the attic So I don't know what else to write But this night, nothing is right.
autorice: Ivana Brezić, Matea Ćurić, Ivana Milković i Anđela Pavić, 8.c
My trip to London: Do you dare? I went to London to visit my cousin. When I was a child I always thought my cousin's house was eerie, but I still decided to go because she promised to give me a pleasant surprise. When I got there everything was dark and spooky. I couldn't find my cousin anywhere so I went upstairs. I heard some noise coming from a closed door, I was a bit scared, but I really wanted to find her, so I opened them. Then, in the most frightening voice you could imagine I heard these words: "I am a ghost who came from the afterlife to haunt you....uahahahah...". I was so scared... I started running as fast as I could through the hallway, and I was also screaming at the top of my voice. All of a sudden, a door at the end of the hallway opened and someone yelled "Surprise!". It was all a Halloween prank my cousin had played on me.
autorice: Josipa Brodski, Ivana Dobenko, Tea Hrušovski, Kristina Janković i Marija Vargašević, 8.b
Noć vještica Na Noć vještica djeca nemaju mira. Zbog buke iz daljine ne mogu sniti jer će ih opasni duhovi progoniti. Strah je velik, a uzbuđenje još veće možda baš našu kuću obići neće.
autorica: Tihana Sulić (uz malu pomoć Katarine Knežević), 8.b
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