2020-05-19 21:22:00 6.4. Food for Thought Dragi osmaši, pod "opširnije" se nalazi gradivo za ovaj tjedan 18.-22.5.2020. Tjedan 18-22.5.2020. Udžbenik, str. 114-117 6.4 Food for thought -preskačemo par stranica u udžbeniku kako bismo obradili tekst o hrani jer će vam u čitanju s razumijevanjem ( u testu) biti tekst koji govori o prehrambenim navikama. Ovaj vokabular vam može uvelike pomoći kod pisanja testa.
Task A – pročitajte zadatak i riješite test te po broju smajlića provjerite kako se hranite. *Do you remember box -ponavljanje: Countable (brojive) i Uncountable (nebrojive) imenice -prepisati pravila u bilježnicu 1. Countable nouns – pročitajte primjer i pravila 2. Uncountable nouns – pročitajte primjer i pravila Task B – Kategorizirajte imenice prema vrsti nastavka u množini -s -es -ies Irregular plurals Meals Potatoes Strawberries Men hamburgers glasses bluberries women hot dogs peaches
teeth holidays sandwiches
feet kitchens
fish vegetables
lives pancakes
-ja sam vam ih odmah napisala u množini da se prisjetite njihovih oblika
Task C – dovršite rečenice s ponuđenim riječima u bilježnicu. Prije nego krenete na sljedeći zadatak napravite u bilježnici umnu mapu pridjeva koji se mogu povezati sa hranom –
Adjectives that collocate with food: -hot, cold, warm -sweet, sour -boiled, cooked, fried, baked -unhealthy, genetically-modified -healthy, nutritious, organic, natural -rotten, stale -raw, dried -frozen, fresh -salty, spicy -fast food, junk food -fatty -tasty
Task D – Reading *Prije čitanja pokušajte odgovoriti na ova pitanja: Have you ever heard of Jamie Oliver? What does he do? What is special about him? Have you ever seen a TV series called Jamie's Kitchen? How about Jamie's School Dinners? Skim the text and tell how many different food projects are mentioned in the text. *Read the text and complete it with the missing words. - izvadi nepoznate riječi
Task E– True /False sentences
*Collocations from the text: (spojite fraze pomoću brojeva) 1. launch
money 2. give
two ambitions 3. experience
a petition 4. open
enthusiasm 5. train
the quality 6. spend
a project 7. sign
a restaurant 8. improve
a chance 9. combine
the personnel 10. show
Task F – riješite zadatak tako da zaokružite ispravan odgovor.
Answer key task D: food, government, countries, children, restaurant, lives Answer key task E: 1.T, 2.T, 3.F, 4.F, 5.F, 6.F Answer key task F: 1.C, 2.B, 3.A, 4.A, 5.B, 6.C, 7.C, 8.B Radna bilježnica, str. 110 - 112
(žao mi je što momentalno ne mogu snimiti video lekciju jer su mi se opet pojavili problemi sa snimalicom.)
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