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Ostvarena 2. mobilnost u sklopu Comenius programa
Autor: Antonela Petrić, 21. 2. 2014.
Prekrasan otok u Sredozemnom moru, CIPAR, bio je domaćin 2. mobilnosti našeg EU programa od 5. do 8. veljače 2014. godine.
Ponovni susret Comenius tima, dijela poznatih kolega iz 12 europskih zamalja bio je jako uzbudljiv i emotivan. Svjesni cilja, razvijanja i promicanja znanja i kulture, upoznavanja i poštivanja tradicije svake europske zemlje članice našeg projekta, promicanja svijesti o raznolikosti europskih kultura prionuli smo aktivnostima koje su nas dodatno zbližile i ujedinile.
Tijek odvijanja programa i dio aktivnosti provedenih tijekom boravka na Cipru možete pronaći u priloženim dokumentima pod ili klikom na više.
Radujemo se 3. mobilnosti tijekom koje će naša škola biti domaćin događanja našeg zajedničkog projekta
Antonela Petrić.
Second Mobility: Cyprus
Wednesday, February, 5-8, 2014.
The flight from Split via Zagreb to Vienna, was smooth and exciting.
On our trip from Larnace to Limassola, the place where we stayed, we noticed that we were on an island that greatly resembled any island on the Adriatic coast. Palm trees, bougainvillea, rows of orange trees lining the roads, lavender, rosemary, a clear blue sea and soft blue sky, sandy beaches, hotels, coastal houses in appearance similar to ours... It was hard not to notice the resemblance.
In the evening, we sat through the first Comenius meeting with our partners. So much joy, emotions and positive energy fused in the one place among the members of the twelve different European countries. It was thrilling to be part of it.
The following day, we visited a primary school, close to the town of Merimi, near Limassola. Our welcome was heartwarming and the school concert was enjoyable, leaving a strong impression on everyone.
The ‘International table’ an event where every country displays traditional food from their country, followed the school concert. An assortment of cheese, salads, olives, sausages, salami, bread, pies, jams and sweets were displayed on the table for our enjoyment…..somewhere on the table was an interesting cake from Imotski (near Split), IMOTSKI TORTA. It disappeared in a flash!
After the break, we visited several classrooms. Observing class work is always the most exciting part of the mobility activities. Pupils from grades 1 to 6 welcomed us warmly. They talked to us and showed us their many projects.
In the afternoon, we participated in several of the workshop activities. At first, we did not know what to expect so we waited patiently anticipating the start of the activities. Members of the Folklore ensemble ERIMIA, locals from the town and the Mayor’s wife, all helped to demonstrate and show us some interesting elements of Cyprus tradition.
They organized us into six groups. The first group took part in learning the traditional Cyprus dance, the second group, basket weaving, the third group, decorating squash, the fourth group helped make oil lamps made of clay, the fifth group, traditional cooking and the sixth group watched how cakes, with almonds and grape juice, were made…mmm.
1. Learning traditional dance
2. Decorating squash
3. Basket weaving
4. Making oil lamps
5. Ingredients for “Trahanas”
6. Making traditional cakes
The next morning we took a bus tour around the city, followed by a visit to some famous local Sites near Limasolla.
- A Medieval fortress from the 13th century.
- Kouironu, an important ancient kingdom and the most impressive archeological site in Cyprus.
- Greek- Roman theatre built 2nd century B.C. The theatre is fully restored, ideal for drama and music events.
- The ruins of private villa’s and complex bathroom facilities, used for recreational purposes- 5th century with remaining mosaic floor tiles.
- Apollo’s shrine from the 8th century B.C (Apollo the God of the forest and the patron saint of Kouirona).
Later that afternoon we returned to the school and a Comenius meeting where further activities concerning the members were discussed. However, the invitation from the Mayor and his wife to stroll around Erimium was hard to turn down. Thirty of us set out on the walk. We visited an old school building, now turned into a public library, the Museum of Wine and an orange orchard. We concluded our pleasant stroll by taking refreshments at the Mayor’s home. There, we enjoyed traditional cakes, drinks and Cyprus coffee.
The next day we visited Nikozia, the capital of Cyprus and the only divided city in the world.
The ‘birds eye view’ from a tower 11 stories high was beautiful. However, a strange feeling overcame us while observing the city. Three sides belong to one country, The Republic of Cyprus, and the fourth side to the self- proclaimed Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
With a visit to the Leventis Museum, we became acquainted with the social and historical development of the capital city.
The mobility in Cyprus has most certainly left an impression in the hearts and minds of its members. We discovered new friendships, feelings and experiences as well as new hope binding us in our shared goals- developing, improving, promoting professional skills, learning about other European countries, their traditions and culture and encouraging personal growth and awareness.
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