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Osnovna škola "Trstenik" Split


Popis postojećih albuma:

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Ela Veža
29. 9. 2015. 14:51
Ela Veža
30. 5. 2015. 15:32
Ela Veža
2. 4. 2015. 22:22
Antonela Petrić
27. 10. 2014. 18:12
Antonela Petrić
26. 6. 2014. 23:12
Antonela Petrić
4. 5. 2014. 16:47
Ana Longin
22. 4. 2014. 15:49
Ela Veža
5. 4. 2014. 20:51
Antonela Petrić
24. 3. 2014. 16:42
Antonela Petrić
30. 1. 2014. 12:28
Antonela Petrić
24. 11. 2013. 16:30
Antonela Petrić
17. 11. 2013. 21:52
Nataša Hržić
30. 10. 2013. 12:15
Ela Veža
23. 10. 2013. 12:45
Ela Veža
22. 10. 2013. 15:36


The world around us-its cultural heritage and its landscapes

3. mobilnost - Hrvatska OŠ "Trstenik"

Autor: Antonela Petrić, 5. 5. 2014.

Rado smo prionuli poslu oko organizacije i pripremanja dolaska naših Comenius partnera. Tim za rad u Comeniusu rasporedio je zadatke nakon kojeg su svi prionuli poslu. Dan po dan, prikupljali smo potrebne materijale i povremeno dolazli do novih, još interesantnijih ideja.

S lakoćom smo odradili sve predradnje misleći na svaki detalj tako da smo jedva dočekali dolazak naših prijatelja. Posebno nas je obradovao posjet 12 učenika iz Francuske, Cipra i Njemačke. Njihovo viđenje je uz viđenje nastavnika od velike  važnosti u analizi i vrednovanju našega rada u okvirima kojima težimo i razvoju partnerskih odnosa unutar Europske unije. Učeći jedni od drugih razvijamo naše potencijale i resurse te  putem eTwiinninga, programa za cjeloživotno učenje, radimo na međunarodnoj suradnji i usavršavanju osoblja, a nastavnicima i učenicima omogućujemo upoznavanje i suradnju s kolegama iz europskih škola.

Izvješće sa 4. mobilnosti pronađite u priloženom dokumentu pod više, a fotografije, kao i uvijek, u foto-galeriji.

Donosimo i prilog s RTL televizije

Third  Mobility: Italy from April 2 to 4, 2014.

Once again, we joined up with fellow members from the Comenius teams from 12 European countries. New activities expanded our experiences, brought us all closer together and helped strengthen our new friendships.

We visited three schools, in Loro Picina, Urbisaglia and Colmurano. We toured these charming little towns as well as the town of Macerata.

Three pupils from our school were very excited to be with us that day, Leonarda Ćelić, Lucija Buljac, Hana Miličević and Tina Radanović. They prepared a presentation about our hometown  Split and famous Split painter Emanuel Vidović.

The trip by ferry from Split to Ancona was pleasant. Upon arrival, we made a tour of the city then waited for our colleagues from the UK and Romania. Later in the evening, we met up with our colleagues from Estonia and within the lovely surroundings all spent a pleasant evening together waiting for the other partners to arrive.

Thursday,April 3, 2014.

We visited the school in the little town of Loro Picina.  and were amazed by the warm greetings we received from everyone there. The school concert that followed was held in the local theater and was truly delightful. With a tour guide to accompany us, we went sightseeing. That was followed by the “International table.” Later that afternoon we visited another school in the neighboring town of Urbisaglia. Once again we received a warm welcome, and sat through another delightful school concert held in the school’s auditorium. After that, we walked around the town of Macerata in the presence of a local tourist guide.

In the evening, a gala event was organized for over 200 guests, including the Mayer of each town as well as the Headmistress of all three schools. Toward the end of the evening, acknowledgements were made for all the partners present and special gifts were given to all present. The enjoyable music and delicious food were all part of the charming entertainment making the evening’s festivities, which went on for most of the night memorable.

Friday, April 4, 2014.

We prepared ourselves for another trip. It was time to visit the school in Colmarano. After our arrival, some pupils warmly greeted us and showed us a few of the more interesting sights. Thoroughly impressed with everything we had seen and experienced, we prepared for our journey home. That evening, our group, along with our partners from eight other European countries, got on a ferry and headed for Split, our hometown, host to the next mobility.








Third Mobility- Croatia April 5 to 8, 2014.

Our school, Trstenik Primary School, was host to our partners, friends, pupils and teachers from eight European countries.

Saturday, April 5, 2014.

After our thoroughly interesting visit to the three schools in Macerata, Italy, we got on a ferry and early on Saturday morning arrived safely in Split.

While helping our guests settle in the beautiful Hotel Marul, in the very center of Split, we prepared for our first activity- a sightseeing tour of Diocletian’s Palace and other historical sights within the palace walls. Our colleague Mrs. Katja Kunac, volunteered to act as a professional tour guide for that occasion.

It was clear even then that Split would be an incredible experience for all.

The view of the ‘Riva’(waterfront promenade), from the first Look-Out point on Marjan Hill, and the skyline of the city below us, …. So many possibilities.

On Sunday we spent our time walking around the charming, UNESCO protected city of Trogir and the Ruins of Salona. A young but very knowledgeable tour guide helped us ‘revise’ the history of some very famous sights.

Monday, April 7, 2014.

Monday finally came, the most important day of all - a visit to our school. An air of enthusiasm was felt everywhere. The excitement swelled and anticipation grew stronger.

Around the main entrance, to greet our special guests, stood several children dressed in national costume. With their bright and friendly faces, they helped dissipate any nervous feelings as they handed each guest a gift, offering a warm greeting.

The guests were shown to their seats and the school program could begin… welcoming speeches, a school play, singing and dancing. One act smoothly connected to the other unfolded in front of our excited guests. Our audience was captivated feeling the enthusiastic excitement and positive energy surrounding the auditorium.

Refreshments in the teacher’s staff room followed the school concert. Coffee, homemade cakes, biscuits and other delicacies from all the different countries were served. Speech flowed freely and the atmosphere was relaxed. We surprised our guests by giving everyone a small replica of a traditional Dalmatian ‘stone house’ and embroidered hand towels.

After the break, we showed our guests around the school. First, we visited the school gym. The PE teacher, along with his pupils, was waiting for us. Together they gave us a short demonstration of a handball game. We then went to visit the classrooms. Our guests were delighted to witness so many different activities: science demonstrations, artwork, singing and dancing, conversations in French and Italian, drama class….a festivity of communication and friendship.

With the support of everyone and our visiting guests, our pupils applied themselves to each task with such enthusiasm and charm, firmly demonstrating that they were more than prepared to rise to any given challenge.

Our special day finally came to a close. It ended with warm wishes and good- bye’s from everyone present. Old friendships renewed and new ones formed, more activities planned… time in Ceuta, a Spanish town on the African continent. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Priloženi dokumenti:
Mobilnost_u_Hrvatskoj_izvjestaj_.docx (2.24 MB)
Third__Mobility_ENG.doc (33.00 KB)

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