2012-04-23 15:57:43 Učenički biseri :D
Teacher: Now that we are learning more about numbers and calculation, we could do Maths during the next period. Pupil: Oh, teacher, please let us die naturally, don't teach us to death!
Infinitive:let; Past Simple: let; Past Participle: let; Značenje: letjeti Infinitive: lose; Past Simple: - Past Participle: found
Teacher: 'She is walking in the park. – Koje je to vrijeme?' Pupil: 'Noć je.'
Mia: 'I go to school, my dad is a good fool.' Teacher: 'Mia, pa što si to napisala?' Mia: 'Mmmm, pa ne znam.' Teacher: 'A tko ti je pomagao pisati zadaću?' Mia: 'Mama'
Statue of Liberty is a statue of a woman holding a corn.
Najviše ljudi na svijetu govori kineski jer Kineza ima k'o Rusa.
I went to the city center to buy ice-scream.
Teacher: Who was Martin Luther King? Pupil: Well, he was a ....... king. He put something on the door in Germany...
This is a coach of arms:
Teacher: Na ispitima imate samo broj bodova, nisam ih ocijenila. Pupil: A hoćete li nam pokazati cjenovnik za ocjene? |
Osnovna škola Vladimir Nazor Čepin |