2023-03-31 16:47:16 OD SADNJE DO ZDRAVOG PROIZVODA Učenici područne škole iz Ivanovaca su današnji dan školski pribor zamijenili rukavicama i drugim alatom i uživali u vrtlarskim radovima. U svemu su im pomogle njihove učiteljice te su zajedničkim snagama očistili tlo u školskom dvorištu od cigle i kamena. Ovoj aktivnosti je prethodilo oranje tla kako bi započeli planirani proces sadnje biljaka. Slijedeća aktivnost je usitnjavanje tla, gnojenje i priprema za sadnju.
(Piše učiteljica: Nada Nikolić )
Students of the school in Ivanovci replaced their school supplies with gloves and other tools today and enjoyed gardening. Their teachers helped them with everything and they cleaned the soil in the schoolyard from bricks and stones with their joint efforts. This activity was preceded by plowing the soil to begin the planned process of planting plants. The next activity is shredding the soil, fertilizing, and, preparing for planting.
(Written by the teacher: Nada Nikolić)
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Osnovna škola "Vladimir Nazor" Đakovo |