2023-06-30 22:23:45 DRŽI BILJKU NA ŽIVOTU - IZVANNASTAVNA AKTIVNOST Mnogima je vlastiti vrt bijeg iz užurbane svakodnevice. No kako danas ljudi imaju sve manje slobodnog vremena i prostora, i u vrtovima pribjegavamo pametnim rješenjima. Izvannastavnom aktivnosti Drži biljku na životu, učenici upoznaju tehnike pametnog vrtlarenja koje će koristiti za uzgoj začinskog bilja u školi od sjemenke do mlade biljke. Upoznaju dijelove biljke i njihovu ulogu. Promatraju biljke kojima mijenjaju i uskraćuju životne uvjete. Pokusima istražuju i analiziraju životne uvjete (Sunce, vodu, zrak i tlo) koji su potrebni biljci kako bi opstala. Otkrivaju prednosti i moguće nedostatke pametnog vrtlarenja. KEEPS THE PLANT ALIVE - EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY For many people, their garden is an escape from the hectic everyday life. But as people today have less and less free time and space, we also resort to smart solutions in gardens. In the extracurricular activity Keep the plant alive, students learn smart gardening techniques that they will use to grow herbs at school from seed to young plant. They get to know the parts of the plant and their role. They observe the plants with which they change and deny living conditions. Through experiments, they investigate and analyze the living conditions (sun, water, air, and soil) that a plant needs to survive. They reveal the advantages and possible disadvantages of smart gardening.
Osnovna škola "Vladimir Nazor" Đakovo |