2023-07-03 17:31:00 MOTIVACIJA I KREATIVNOST UČITELJICE S ISLANDA Vrućine u Hrvatskoj i ljeto na Islandu nisu jedina poveznica tih dviju zemalja. Suradnja Stemovaca nastavlja se dalje, a o izvrsnoj atmosferi na online sastancima govore nasmijana lica sudionika. Razmjena iskustava i primjeri dobre prakse, nove ideje i metode poučavanja STEM područja motivacija su učiteljima koji neumorno rade na vlastitom usavršavanju. Ovom prilikom zahvaljujemo učiteljici s Islanda, Sinead McCarron, na izvrsnom i inspirativnom predavanju. MOTIVATION AND CREATIVITY OF A TEACHER FROM ICELAND The heat in Croatia and the summer in Iceland are not the only links between these two countries. The cooperation of STEM teachers continues, and the smiling faces of the participants speak of the excellent atmosphere at the online meetings. The exchange of experiences and examples of good practice, new ideas, and methods of teaching the STEM field are the motivation for teachers who work tirelessly on their improvement. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the teacher from Iceland, Sinead McCarron, for her excellent and inspiring lecture. |
Osnovna škola "Vladimir Nazor" Đakovo |