2023-07-05 22:11:05


Marljivi mališani područne škole u Ivanovcima i za vrijeme ljetnih praznika brinu o STEM vrtu. Kako bi biljke nesmetano mogle rasti i razvijati se, nužno je očistiti vrt od nepoželjne trave. Ovih dana sunca ne nedostaje, a zemlja postaje sve suša pa je biljke potrebno i zalijevati vodom. No, nema mjesta brizi jer mali Stemovci itekako znaju što je sve potrebno kako bi biljke rasle i razvijale se. Dobre volje za radnom akcijom ne nedostaje pa se STEM vrtom širi samo zelenilo.enlightened

Bravo za naše male Stemovce! yes

The diligent children of the district school in Ivanovci take care of the STEM garden even during the summer holidays. For the plants to grow and develop smoothly, it is necessary to clean the garden of unwanted grass. There is no shortage of sun these days, and the earth is becoming drier, so plants need to be watered. However, there is no need to worry because the little students from STEM know very well what is needed for plants to grow and develop. There is no shortage of goodwill for the work action, so the STEM garden spreads only greenery.enlightened
Good for our little STEM students!yes

Osnovna škola "Vladimir Nazor" Đakovo