2023-11-23 12:37:11


Vrijedni učenici područne škole Ivanovci tijekom cijele godine vode brigu o STEM vrtu. Bogatstvo i raznolikost biljaka privlače poglede znatiželjnih prolaznika, ali također i mnogih divljih životinja koje bi se rado osladile ukusnim začinskim biljem. Kako bi osigurali nesmetani rast biljkama, ogradili smo STEM vrt ogradom. Ljepotu vrta ocijenite sami pregledom priloženih fotografija. enlightened


Hardworking students of the Ivanovci regional school take care of the STEM garden throughout the year. The richness and variety of plants attract the eyes of curious passers-by, but also many wild animals that would be happy to feast on delicious herbs. To ensure undisturbed growth of the plants, we fenced the STEM garden with a fence. Judge the beauty of the garden yourself by viewing the attached photos. enlightened

Osnovna škola "Vladimir Nazor" Đakovo