2022-05-10 16:52:01 KULTURNE I JAVNE USTANOVE ZAVIČAJA KULTURNE I JAVNE USTANOVE ZAVIČAJA Kulturne i javne ustanove zavičaja je eTwinning projekt u koji su se na poziv učiteljica razredne nastave Dušanke Babić iz OŠ Stjepan Radić, Tijarica i Ane Ćalete iz OŠ Trilj uključile knjižničarka naše škole Adriana Turić Erceg i učiteljica Cvita Tolić s učenicima 4.b razreda. Projekt je osmišljen kao igra u kojoj učenici posjetama kulturnim i javnim ustanovama zavičaja spoznaju važnost istih. U prvome dijelu projekta bili smo turisti u svome gradu. Posjetili smo važne kulturne i javne ustanove, naučili čemu služe i zašto su važne ljudima. U Mjesecu knjige i školskih knjižnica družili smo se u našoj školskoj knjižnici, istraživali legende, učili o enciklopedijama i još puno toga. Naša turistička vodička Dora Divić vodila nas je u šetnju Vrgorcem. Upoznali smo stoljetni park, spomenik Tinu Ujeviću te povijest Crkve Navještenja Blažene Djevice Marije, Gradinu i ostale kule iz vremena Turaka, vidjeli staru česmu. Družili smo se i s komunalnim redarima koji su uređivali grad povodom božićnih blagdana. Posjetili smo Turističku zajednicu Grada Vrgorca i naučili čemu ona služi i koje manifestacije u gradu organizira. Tajnica Društva prijatelja vrgorske starine, naša knjižničarka, odvela nas je i u Društvo prijatelja vrgorske starine. Naučili smo tko ga je, kada i zašto osnovao te se prisjetili izložbi koje smo tu posjetili prije pandemije. Sljedeća aktivnost bila nam je Muzej iz mašte. Virtualnim šetnjama obišli smo brojne domaće i svjetske muzeje, naučili tko sve radi u muzejima, a onda crtali svoj muzej iz mašte i izradili izložbu svojih radova. Izrađivali smo božićne i novogodišnje čestitke te se družili s projektnim partnerima putem videokonferencija. Očekuje nas još puno planiranih aktivnosti kojima se veselimo. Prva od njih je već za nekoliko dana – posjet vrgorskom Cineplexu gdje ćemo pogledati prigodan film u organizaciji Žane Pervan Odak, ravnateljice Centra za kulturu i baštinu Grada Vrgorca. U drugome dijelu projekta planira se da učenici budu turistički vodiči te svoje znanje o naučenim kulturnim i javnim ustanovama prezentiraju kolegama u projektu.
Cultural and public institutions of the homeland is an eTwinning project in which the librarian of our school Adriana Turić Erceg and teacher Cvita Tolić with 4th b grade students joined at the invitation of class teachers Dušanka Babić from Stjepan Radić Elementary School, Tijarica and Ana Ćaleta from Trilj Elementary School. The project is designed as a game in which students learn about the importance of visiting cultural and public institutions of their homeland. In the first part of the project we were tourists in our city. We visited important cultural and public institutions, learned what they serve and why they are important to people. During Book and School Library Month, we hung out in our school library, researched legends, learned about encyclopedias and more. Our tourist guide Dora Divić took us for a walk through Vrgorac. We got to know the century-old park, the monument to Tin Ujević and the history of the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Gradina and other towers from the time of the Turks, saw the old fountain. We also hung out with the communal wardens who were arranging the city on the occasion of the Christmas holidays. We visited the Tourist Board of the City of Vrgorac and learned what it serves and what events it organizes in the city. The secretary of the Society of Friends of Vrgor Antiquities, our librarian, also took us to the Society of Friends of Vrgor Antiquities. We learned who founded it, when and why, and remembered the exhibits we visited there before the pandemic. Our next activity was the Museum of Imagination. We took virtual tours of numerous local and world museums, learned who works in museums, and then drew our museum from the imagination and made an exhibition of their works. We made Christmas and New Year greetings and hung out with project partners via videoconferencing. We have a lot of planned activities ahead of us, which we are looking forward to. The first of them is in a few days - a visit to the Vrgorac Cineplex where we will watch a film organized by Žana Pervan Odak, director of the Center for Culture and Heritage of the City of Vrgorac. In the second part of the project, students are planned to be tourist guides and present their knowledge of learned cultural and public institutions to colleagues in the project. Adriana Turić Erceg
Osnovna škola "Vrgorac" |