2022-07-08 10:06:00 OSNOVNOJ ŠKOLI VRGORAC ODOBREN PROJEKT POD NAZIVOM "STEM U OŠ VRGORAC" U VRIJEDNOSTI PREKO 4 MILIJUNA KUNA/VRGORAC PRIMARY SCHOOL APPROVED PROJECT NAMED "STEM IN VRGORAC PRIMARY SCHOOL" WORTH OVER 4 MILLION CROATIAN KUNA Ministarstvo regionalnoga razvoja i fondova Europske unije, u funkciji upravitelja Programa „Lokalni razvoj i smanjenje siromaštva“, nakon provedenog postupka dodjele u okviru Poziva na dostavu projektnih prijedloga „Jačanje STEM vještina u osnovnim školama i razvoj regionalnih znanstvenih centara za osnovnoškolski odgoj i obrazovanje u STEM području“ Komponenta A: „Razvoj STEM vještina kroz opremanje školskih učionica STEM opremom“, financiranog sredstvima Financijskog mehanizma Europskog gospodarskog prostora (EGP), 30. lipnja. 2022. godine donijelo Odluku o financiranju projekata.
Ovom Odlukom poduprijet će se provedba petnaest (15) projekta koji će pružiti podršku jačanju kapaciteta institucija osnovnoškolskog obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj u STEM podučavanju modernizacijom prostora i nabavom STEM opreme za škole. Svi projekti doprinose jačanju kapaciteta institucija osnovnoškolskog obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj u STEM podučavanju s konačnim ciljem poboljšanja STEM vještina učitelja i drugih odgojno-obrazovnih radnika te poboljšanja STEM vještina učenika.
The Ministry of Regional Development and Funds of the European Union, in the capacity of manager of the "Local Development and Poverty Reduction" Program, after the awarding procedure within the Call for Project Proposals "Strengthening STEM skills in primary schools and the development of regional scientific centers for primary school education in STEM area" Component A: "Development of STEM skills through equipping school classrooms with STEM equipment", financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA), on 30th June 2022, adopted the Decision on project financing. This Decision will support the implementation of fifteen (15) projects that will provide support for strengthening the capacity of primary school education institutions in the Republic of Croatia in STEM teaching by modernizing space and acquiring STEM equipment for schools. All projects contribute to strengthening the capacity of primary school education institutions in the Republic of Croatia in STEM teaching with the ultimate goal of improving the STEM skills of teachers and other educational workers and improving the STEM skills of students. Elementary school Vrgorac with a partner from Norway (University of Stavanger) received slightly more than 4 million kunas, of which slightly less than 3 million kunas belong to elementary school Vrgorac for equipping the school with STEM equipment and for the education of teachers and students. The contract is expected to be signed in July 2022. The project will be financed from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area for the period from 2014 to 2021 and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period from 2014 to 2021, as well as funds from the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds. More details in the following months. |
Osnovna škola "Vrgorac" |