2022-11-25 09:05:40 ORMARIĆI ZA UČENIKE PREDMETNE NASTAVE U OŠ VRGORAC/LOCKERS FOR STUDENTS OF SUBJECT TEACHING IN VRGORAC PRIMARY SCHOOL Kroz projekt STEM u OŠ Vrgorac predviđena je nabavka ormarića za učenike predmetne nastave. Ormarići su dostavljeni u našu školu te su montirani i spremni za korištenje učenicima predmetne nastave. Through the STEM project in Elementary School Vrgorac, it is planned to procure lockers for the students of the subject teaching classes. The lockers were delivered to our school and are assembled and ready for use by the students of the subject teaching classes. By the end of the semester, students will receive the keys to their lockers with instructions on how to use them. It is planned to store in the lockers their art folders, boxes for technical culture, equipment for PE and other teaching materials and devices for STEM subjects that are not necessary to take home. Cilj nabavke ormarića kroz ovaj projekt je poboljšati kvalitetu boravka učenika u školi kroz: -povećanu higijenu -urednost hodnika i prostora škole -sigurnost osobnih stvari -odgovornost i kutak privatnostiThe goal of acquiring lockers through this project is to improve the quality of students' stay at school through: - increased hygiene - tidiness of corridors and school premises - security of personal belongings -responsibility and privacy corner Projekt STEM u OŠ Vrgorac apliciran je od strane OŠ Vrgorac 2021. godine, odobren je 2022. te je financiran iz Financijskog mehanizma Europskog gospodarskog prostora za razdoblje od 2014. do 2021. godine i Norveškog financijskog mehanizma za razdoblje od 2014. do 2021. godine te sredstvima Ministarstva regionalnog razvoja i fondova Europske unije.The STEM project at Vrgorac Elementary School was applied by Vrgorac Elementary School in 2021, approved in 2022, and financed from the Financial mechanism of the European Economic Area for the period from 2014 to 2021 and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period from 2014 to 2021. and with funds from the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds. |
Osnovna škola "Vrgorac" |