2023-03-31 12:47:00 ZAMJENICA VELEPOSLANIKA KRALJEVNE NORVEŠKE U OŠ Vrgorac/DEPUTY AMBASSADOR OF ROYAL NORWAY IN Vrgorac Primary School OŠ Vrgorac je posjetila zamjenica veleposlanika Kraljevine Norveške u Hrvatskoj, gospođa Homma Latif te njena stručna pripravnica.
Vrgorac Elementary School was visited by the Deputy Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway in Croatia, Mrs. Homma Latif and her professional intern. Zamjenica veleposlanika Homma Latif željela se upoznati sa projektom STEM u OŠ Vrgorac koji se od ove školske godine provodi u OŠ Vrgorac i bespovratano je financiran iz Financijskog mehanizma Europskog gospodarskog prostora za razdoblje od 2014. do 2021. godine i Norveškog financijskog mehanizma za razdoblje od 2014. do 2021. godine te sredstvima Ministarstva regionalnog razvoja i fondova Europske unije.
Deputy Ambassador Homma Latif wanted to get acquainted with the STEM project at Vrgorac Elementary School, which has been implemented in Vrgorac Elementary School since this school year and is funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area for the period from 2014 to 2021 and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period from 2014 until 2021 and with funds from the Ministry of Regional Development and European Union funds. Projekt STEM u OŠ Vrgorac apliciran je od strane OŠ Vrgorac 2021. godine, odobren je 2022. te je financiran iz Financijskog mehanizma Europskog gospodarskog prostora za razdoblje od 2014. do 2021. godine i Norveškog financijskog mehanizma za razdoblje od 2014. do 2021. godine te sredstvima Ministarstva regionalnog razvoja i fondova Europske unije.
The principal and the school pedagogue presented the content and goals of the project and introduced them to the work and contents of the school institution. Homma Latif expressed her great satisfaction with the mentioned project and the ambitions of Vrgorac Elementary School and announced new public calls under the auspices of the Kingdom of Norway for financing needs in education. Another visit to the Vrgorac Elementary School, perhaps by the ambassador himself, has been arranged for the planned workshops of the project in June. |
Osnovna škola "Vrgorac" |