2011-01-13 15:26:24 Primjeri eseja iz engleskog jezika za Državnu maturu
Profesorica Bujanić je izdvojila četiri eseja koja su učenici radili na satu. Mogu vam poslužiti kao pomoć u pripremi za pisanje eseja na maturi. Zadnja dva eseja nisu zadovoljila kriterij broja riječi, ali sadržajno su vrlo dobri.
Looks are important for success Looks are very important, even though it's not the only factor that guarantees success. We live ina society where beauty is overpreciated and it's not a rare situation that some person, usually a woman, is promoted on account of her looks. Beauty opens up many doors literally and figuratively and if a pretty woman has a brain too she could always get her way. Being beautiful is a privilege but only smart women know how to use their looks to get what they want. Good looking person has a better chance to be promoted, although they may not be as qualified as their colleagues. If someone is pretty why not use that? All people use their advantages to survive and to do what they want in life. On the other hand, beautiful women have a lot of problems. For instance they could get an immoral proposition from their boss or they can be raped. Also, a bad side is that some people think, if you are pretty that you’re not good enough to do anything but shopping and party. All in all, it’s good to have good looks. To my mind, everybody should use all they have for success, but if that is beauty they must be careful. Beauty is only temporary and shouldn’t be the only thing you depend on. Mobile Phones Have Become Too Important
Mobile phones are very important nowadays. Almost every person in a world owns one or more mobile phones. The fact that mobile phones are so important is not that strange because when you think of our fast lifestyle there is no other way to communicate with other people. The major advantage of mobile phones is that you can carry them anywhere. If you are stuck in a traffic jam on your way to work, you can just call and say that you'll be late. Mobile phones are also easy to use – it has no wires, you can set your menu on any language you want and you can set your important calls on speed dial. On the other hand, mobile phones are harmful for our health. They can damage our hearing, brain cells and fingers (if you text a lot). Also, they have bad influence on kids because they are no longer hanging out – they just talk on the phone about their problems and themes. To sum up, mobile phones are too important. They should come in handy and help you if you are in trouble or you have a problem. But people are texting messages across the room. They talk about everything over the phone. In the end I have only one conclusion: “What happened to romantic letters and poetry? We have nothing to look forward to because everything happens over the phone.” Looks are important for success
Some people say that look is important for success. However, our look has its advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, if we care about the look and dress properly it can open doors for us. For example, it can help us when we go to a job interview. All in all we represent ourselves through our clothes so it's in our interest that we look the best, because it can help us in many ways. However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, all people are not the same and it's evident that with their style they want to be different than others because they feel better. For instance, some of them like piercings, tattoos or just unusual type of style. For them it's a way to express themselves, but on the other hand because of that they can lose some job opportunities. To sum up, I think that looks aren't necessarily important for success. It's more important how we work than how we look. Also, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't care about the look at all. Being fashionable is a waste of time and money A lot of people in the world are possessed with fashion and glamorous life but others are happy and satisfied with what they have. Being fashionable means monitoring trends, spending hours and hours every day in shopping centres trying out different clothes and shoes. It is a waste of time. It’s OK every once in a while to buy some clothes but buying a lot of things every day spending a lot of money is not good because you can spend that money on much better things like food or bills. Today being fashionable is a trend and a way of living. You usually look very nice and “trendy” looking into your closet and seeing so many nice clothes it sure makes you happy and satisfied. You have a lot of clothes for every occasion. I’m not really fashionable. If I like something I will wear it no matter if it is trendy or not. I like my clothes and I have a unique style and I wouldn’t like to change it because someone said it isn’t trendy. I really don’t understand people who spend so much money on something that they will probably wear once or twice. Predugačko i malo argumentacije za treći odlomak
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