2013-10-20 09:21:00 Keeping up with the Europeans – Comenius project Nije više samo u filmovima ili sapunicama, od sada je i u vašem životu. Bombardirani smo američkim filmovima gdje klinci odlaze u različite kampove, putuju i Europom, nađu si komada i zbare ga. Ovoga puta stvari su nešto drugačije. Europljani su zbarili sami sebe.
Piše: Danijela Grubišić, III. A Comenius projekt je program cjeloživotnog učenja koje promiče europsku dimenziju obrazovanja te omogućava stjecanje i unaprjeđivanje vještina. Hrabri i odvažni šibenski ekonomisti odlučili su se za prijavu i odabrani su za sudjelovanje. Profesorica Ivana Kardum Goleš izabrana je za koordinatoricu cijelog projekta. Kako se snašla u ulozi koordinatorice, kakvi su dojmovi i kritike te što kažu gosti o posjetu i ljepotama Šibensko-kninske županije doznajte u nastavku.
Alergija na mainstream stvari U jeku školskog zvona odjeknula je ideja. Zašto imati klasičnu nastavu? Svima nam je već puna kapa pisanja po ploči, pranja spužve i slušanje diktiranja lekcije. Treba nam nešto novo i uzbudljivo. Treba nam promjena. Sve je počelo prošle godine u studenom kada su profesori iz četiriju različitih zemalja (Poljska, Mađarska, Italija i Turska) došli u razgledavanje i upoznavanje Šibenika. Tada su vrijedni ekonomisti upregnuli svoje moždane vijuge i smišljali ideje kako privući potrebne investicije, u čemu su i uspjeli. Projekt C Code for Common Future dobio je najveći broj bodova i svotu od 22.500 eura koju će racionalno trošiti tijekom svojih putovanja. Cilj projekta je probuditi ekološku svijest kod tinejdžera jer su baš oni skupina koja najmanje mari za to. Šibenik probija led Projekt je startao u ponedjeljak, 30. listopada. Poljaci, Mađari, Talijani i Turci sjatili su se u Ekonomsku školu Šibenik kako bi sudjelovali u radionicama koje smo im pripremili. Uz red smijeha, zabave te neizostavnu duhovitost profesora sramežljivost gostiju sve je više jenjavala. Umor od puta pada u zaborav kada se zbroji svaki osmijeh i razmijenjeni broj telefona. Spoj edukacije i zabave čini se kao savršena kombinacija za uživanje, sklapanje prijateljstava i rađanje novih ljubavi. Dogovaraju se odlasci na koncerte, ljetovanja i zimovanja. Rade se planovi za daljnje susrete jer zašto bi sve trebalo završiti pozdravom na kolodvoru? Jutarnje prezentacije o Faustu Vrančiću, ženama poduzetnicama, bankarstvu, matematici i mnogim drugim temama bile su samo uvertira za sve ono što ih dalje očekuje. Dnevni izleti u NP Kornati, NP Krka te otok Prvić bili su headlineri prvog putovanja Comenius projekta. Postavljen je veoma visok standard zabave i organizacije. Hoće li ga ostale zemlje sudionice nadmašiti? To ćemo tek vidjeti. Sve je lako kad si mlad Pjeva Prljavo kazalište čiji se hitovi i danas puštaju u šibenskom klubu Azimut gdje je bila organizirana zabava za sve sudionike Comenius projekta. Uz modernu playlistu domaćini i gosti zabavljali su se na plesnom podiju uz veliko zanimanje svih prisutnih. Svi su plesali, pjevali, skakali i grlili se. Bili smo okruženi dobrom vibrom i slobodni u kretnjama unatoč nadležnosti profesora koji su se uklopili u atmosferu i zaplesali s nama. Zaista, nikada nije bilo lakše biti mlad negoli tad. Na podiju se osjećala ljubav, strujala je energija kojom su svi bili opijeni i koja nas je sve više tjerala na uživanje kako u glazbi tako i u prilici što možemo biti zajedno. Ovo je tek početak jedne divne europske ljubavi između edukacije i zabave. Zajednički interesi i ciljevi nas zbližavaju, a želja da ih ostvarimo tjera na daljnji rad i motivira da budemo što bolji kako u edukaciji, tako i u životu, u odnosu prema drugim ljudima i svemu onome što nas okružuje jer povezani možemo postići više i bolje graditi zajedničku budućnost. Za nas. Za planet.
It’s no longer just in the movies or soap operas; it is now in your life. We are bombarded with American movies where kids go to different camps, and traveling around Europe, you find pieces and you cook it. This time things are different. Europeans softly cooked up themselves. Comenius project is a program of lifelong learning which promotes the European dimension of education and provides for the acquisition and improvement of skills. Brave and bold economists in Šibenik opted for the application and were selected to participate. Professor Ivana Kardum Goleš was elected as a coordinator of the project. How did she come upon the role of coordinator, what are the impressions and reviews and what guests say about visiting the beauties of the county, find out below. We are getting tired of mainstream stuff The school bell echoed the idea. Why have a standard education? We we are all tired of writing on the board, washing sponges and listening dictation lessons. We need something new and exciting. We need a change. It all started last year in November when professors from four different countries (Poland, Hungary, Italy and Turkey) came to visit and learn about Šibenik. Then valuable economists harness their mental gears and devised the idea to attract the necessary investment, which they succeeded. Project C Code for Common Future received the highest number of points and the amount of 22,500 euros, which will be rationally used during it`s travels. The project`s task is to develop environmental awareness among teenagers because they are the group that cares the least about that. Šibenik is braking the ice The project started on Monday, October 30th. Poles, Hungarians, Italians and Turks flocked to the Economic school in Šibenik to participate in workshops that we have prepared. With a little bit of laugh, fun and indispensable professor`s wit, shyness of the guests was slowly disappearing. Tired from the trip falls into oblivion with every smile and exchanged phone number added. Combination of education and entertainment seems like the perfect combination for enjoying making friends and maybe a birth of new love. Agreed to going to concerts, summer and winte vacations. Plans are being made for further meetings because why everything should end up with a greeting at the station? Morning presentations about Faust Vrančić, women entrepreneurs, banking, math, and many other topics were just an into to all that they still expected. Day trips to the National Park Kornati, Krka and island Prvić were headlining the first Comenius project trip. A very high standard of entertainment and organization has beed set. Will it surpass the other participating countries? It remains to be seen. Everything is easier when you are young Sve je lako kad si mlad, Everything is easier when you are young is the name of the song of Prljavo Kazalište whose hits could be heardin the Šibenik`s club Azimut where all participants Comenius project were having some fun. With modern playlist, both hosts and guests were entertained on the dance floor with a great interest in of all present. Everyone was dancing, singing, jumping and hugging. We were surrounded by good vibes and free movement in spite of authority professors who fit into the atmosphere and danced with us. Indeed, it has never been easier to be young than then. On the floor you could feel love, flowing energy that made everyone drunk and that made us more and more to enjoy both in music and in a position that we have to be there with them - happier and younger people more than ever before. This is only the beginning of a beautiful European love between education and entertainment. Common interests and goals brings us together, and the desire to accomplish them drives us to further work and motivates us to be better both in education and in life, relationships with other people and everything that surrounds us, because together we can build a better future. For us. For the planet. |
Ekonomska škola Šibenik |