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Obrtnička škola za osobne usluge Zagreb

 > Naslovnica

Škola i zajednica (ŠIZ)

Autor: Mirjana Spajić Buturac, 18. 3. 2024.

Schools in general, especially high schools in Zagreb, are not adequately protected from the possible threats caused by a human factor outside or within schools.

This year, the students who are taking the extracurricular subject School and Community (abbreviated in Croatian ŠiZ) are dealing with the problem of safety primarily in our School. Vocational School for Personal Services (in Croatian Obrtnička škola za osobne usluge) is situated in one of the busiest streets in Zagreb. Since there is not a yard in front of the School, the entrance to our School is straight from the sidewalk. We do not have a full-time janitor or a security guard either so anybody can enter our School without showing an ID.  Thus, the students who attend ŠiZ classes this year have been trying to increase awareness of this problem not only in the local community but also within relevant institutions.

Our slogan Tell my why I should like Mondays! was inspired by one of the most iconic songs I Don’t Like Mondays by the Boomtown Rats which talks about the Cleveland Elementary School shooting in San Diego, USA.

Katica Knezović, prof.

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