2020-10-15 07:35:15 #ERASMUSDAYS U četvrtak 15.10. u 15.00 sati Obrtnička škola obilježava #Erasmusdays putem videokonferencije na temu održivog razvoja u sklopu svog međunarodnog projekta Steam up your school. Pripremili smo filmove, prezentacije, iskustva učenika te Kahoot kviz s nagradama. Više o događaju pročitajte na međunarodnoj stranici erasmusdays.eu kojoj možete pristupiti putem poveznice: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS A PLEDGE FOR THE FUTURE OBRTNIČKA ŠKOLA School education Film projection Online conferences, meetings and webinar Online games and e-sport tournament Online testimonies, exhibitions On Thursday 15th October at 3:00pm, during an online conference, our teachers and students will celebrate Erasmusdays 2020, presenting sustainable development goals of our Erasmus+ KA2 project 'STEAM up your school'. There will be a short film projection about our school, an interactive presentation of our project done by our teacher Miranda Barac, firsthand experience from our students, and a Kahoot quiz done by our teacher Milena Knezovic. The most successful competitor will receive an award. Discover the Erasmus + project of this organization: DISCOVER THE PROJECTDISCOVER THE PROJECT Erasmus+KA2 project EUse science to STEAM up your school with six European schools. The aim of the project is to promote entrepreneurship in education focussing on STEAM.
Svi zainteresirani mogu pratiti događaj na poveznici Topic: Erasmusdays 2020 Time: Oct 15, 2020 03:00 PM Sarajevo, Skopje, Zagreb Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/78827937824?pwd=M096c1A4ZDJNbnpkbDRjYnpPc0F6UT09 Meeting ID: 788 2793 7824 Passcode: a9cV3u Nadamo se da ćete se odazvati u što većem broju.
Obrtnička škola Split |