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In memoriam


Ovih se dana tužni opraštamo od našeg dragog kolege i prijatelja doktora Freda Butlera, profesora sa Floride.

Svjetski putnik kojeg je krasila gotovo pustolovna žeđ za znanjem, voljeni profesor španjolskog jezika i književnosti, svojom neobičnom osobnošću nikog nije ostavljao ravnodušnim, a učenicima je bio i više od predavača – učitelj života

Gospodina Butlera upoznala sam davne 1996. godine i odmah se rodila zajednička sanjarska ideja o suradnji naših dviju Škola.

Mnogi nastavnici Četvrte gimnazije ali i suradnici u dvojezičnoj nastavi na engleskom jeziku, kao i brojni učenici, imali su priliku, prvenstveno zahvaljujući tom dragom čovjeku, posjetiti Floridu i provesti neko vrijeme u Katoličkoj srednjoj školi u Clearwater-u a gostoprimstvo su im pružili tamošnje obitelji.  Uvijek smo se sa Floride vraćali obogaćeni prekrasnim uspomenama  i novim prijateljstvima.

Jednako tako, godinama naši američki prijatelji dragi su nam gosti.  Dragi Fred, uvijek ćeš biti u našim mislima tijekom budućih susreta.

Hvala Vam dragi profesore, hvala ti Fred na prijateljstvu koje ne poznaje ni godina ni granica, na ljubavi prema Hrvatskoj, na ljubavi prema životu.

Željka i tvoji hrvatski prijatelji


Our dear friend and colleague, Dr Fred Butler, passed away at the age of 86 in Florida, where he lived with his beloved wife Christianne and their two daughters.

Fred was a teacher of Spanish language and literature. His profession enabled him to visit and explore many countries where he not only taught Spanish, but also learned about different cultures.  He selflessly shared his vast knowledge and experience with his students, colleagues and friends. His students loved and respected him because of his engaging personality, but also because of his interesting and thought-provoking classes.

His family and profession brought him to Florida, where I met him in the summer of 1996. Despite age difference, we started talking and came up with the idea of cultural exchange of students and teachers between our two schools, countries and continents. Who would have thought that a friendly chat between two dreamers would end up in the student, and teacher, exchange programme that exists to this very day?

Thanks to Dr Fred Butler, many students and teachers from our school had the opportunity to visit Clearwater Central Catholic High School and spend some time with American families. We always returned home filled with wonderful memories and lifelong friendships we made.

Our school hosted many American students and teachers in the past two decades.

We feel sad because we have to say goodbye to our colleague and dear, dear friend, but at the same time we are honoured to have known Fred and be able to call him our friend.

Dear Fred, thank you for your warm friendship that knew no boundaries or acknowledged any obstacles. Whenever the teachers of our schools meet in the future, either here in Zagreb or in Clearwater, we will be thinking of you.

Thank you for all the love you shared with us and especially your love for our country.

You will always be in our thoughts and prayers.

As Alfred, Lord Tennyson said in his famous poem Ulysses

“I am a part of all I have met.”

Željka and your Croatian friends from 4th Grammar school in Zagreb

Pošalji prijatelju Pošalji prijatelju
objavio: Željka Damjanić Pavlić   datum: 25. 1. 2021.


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