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Gimnazija Matija Mesić


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MOCK USA Election Project
Autor: Jasna Bošković, 8. 11. 2016.



On 27th  October 2016,our school Gimnazija „Matija Mesić“ has taken part in an organized project, organized by Croatian-American Society. Mock USA Elections project has been a project which simulated the American Elections. Around 30 Croatian schools have taken part in this major project. Before anything started, we had to organize the whole committee and rearrange ourselves-what are our tasks and duties.

Few of our committee members gathered the students around the classroom, which was an improvised election room. Right in front of the classroom, two committee members gave directions to our students: You take a ballot, circle your choice, fold it in a half and put the ballot in the ballot box. Thank you!

I personally talked to some of our voters, to see what  their opinions on the voting and the election are.

After talking to some of our students, we could see that most of our students are predominately supporting Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

A few hours later, the voting has ended. 80% of our duties were finished. All we had to do was to wait until the 3rd November to officially conclude the voting. We are really grateful that our school has been a part of this meaningful project. It was a true stimulation for our students and professors to think outside of the box and participate in a project like this. We also want to thank Croatian-American Society for enabling our school to be a part of this big event. Also, we want to thank our professor Verica Milinović, for being very cautious and supportive through the whole process.

If you’re interested in viewing more photos from the Election day in other schools, there’s a link below that will take you to the Croatian-American Society facebook page.

Until the next time! Goodbye.

Dora Tomljenović, 4.e

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