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Etwinning aktivnosti

Cultural Festivals Around The World

The main aim of this Project is to find about our culture and festivals. We are going to work with students between 14-18. Each partner country is going to demonstrate his national or religious festivals. For example; Christmas, New Year, Easter, Ramadan..Etc. The students will take photos and videos on what they do to celebrate the festival. Then they will present them by using the communication tools of Twinspace, e-mail, facebook, internet. Every time they will choose a different method for presantation like pdf, photo galery, video. Also there will be a facebook page where the partners can popularize cultural festivals all around the world.

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objavio: Ljerka Bačurin   datum: 8. 1. 2020.

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Školsko sportsko društvo:
Atletika djevojke
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