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Osnovna škola Hrvatski sokol Podgajci Podravski


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Nikada nemojte brkati znanje s mudrošću. Prvo vam pomaže da preživite, a drugo da živite.

Sandra Carey

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Brojač posjeta
Ispis statistike od 23. 2. 2010.

Ukupno: 250628
Ovaj mjesec: 1824
Ovaj tjedan: 386
Danas: 25
O školi


The name of our school is Hrvatski sokol. The school is the legal successor of the Elementary School "August Harambasic" Donji  Miholjac based on Article 16 Paragraph 2 decisions on Division of Primary School "August Harambasic" Donji  Miholjac, class: 602-2/99-01/2242; No.: 532/1-00-1 of 14 March 2000.

The Primary School Hrvatski sokol  Podgajci Podravski a total of 7 classrooms with supporting specialized space and equipment total area of ​​1176 m2.

  All classrooms are equipped with standard furniture and equipment.

The headquarters of the school is in Podgajci Podravski.

We have a branch school in Crnkovci which has four classes. Regional school in Crnkovci attend our children from Črnkovci  and  Bočkinci .

More information about the history of the school, staff, contacts, etc. can be seen in the left submenus


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