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Osnovna škola Ivana Zajca Rijeka

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eTwinning school




Brojač posjeta
Ispis statistike od 26. 5. 2013.

Ukupno: 1303265
Ovaj mjesec: 6675
Ovaj tjedan: 45
Danas: 45
Povratak na prethodnu stranicu Ispiši članak Pošalji prijatelju
Autor: Koraljka Mahulja-Pejčić, 31. 1. 2018.

U projektu sudjeluju : OŠ Ivana Zajca i OŠ Podmurvice, Rijeka(Croatia),

Brody Secondary School № 2 Specialising in English, Brody (Ukrajina),

Mehmet Adnan Özçelik Ortaokulu, Mersin  (Turska)

VODITELJICA PROJEKTA: Koraljka Mahulja-Pejčić, školska knjižničarka

SURADNICE: Josipa Gračanin, ravnateljica/ Valentina Borščak, učiteljica RN/ Marijana Milković Donadić, učiteljica RN

UČENICI UKLJUČENI U PROJEKT: Leo,Gea,Petra,Iris,Dunja,Mauro,Elena-4.a


About the project
Students will create a description of an imaginary animal according to a template and will accompany it with an illustration of this creature. The description will then be sent to partner schools so that students create their own pictures by the same description. They, in turn, will create a description of their own magical creature so that other students will draw it too.



Work process
Students create a description of an imaginary animal with the help of a template. They also create a picture of their magical creature. The description (without a picture) is then sent to a partner school. The students in a partner school draw the creature according to the description and create their own description and picture using the same template. The new descrition is sent back to accept the challenge. The final step is a scheduled video call so that the students can read out the descriptions and show and compare their pictures. Alternatively, students shoot a video of themselves drawing and presenting the imaginary creature. The more schools, the more fun! Join in!

Our imaginary animal

Our imaginary animal maybe looks like a monster but he has a very big heart and he is our good friend. This creature lives in the sea and sleeps on the hill above our town. He protects our city and our school. His eyes are big and purple, he is smiling all the time and he loves to sing. He has the head of a cat with ears of an elephant. He has a long neck with a necklace in a shape of a flower. Our creature has a body and a tale of a fat fish. The body has many colors and it is very sparkly. He has wings of a dragon and they are green. Legs of this animal are short with big shoes in different colors. He has five legs.

We call him River because when you translate word „river“ in Croatian it is the name of our home town.


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