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Osnovna škola Ivana Zajca Rijeka

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eTwinning school




Brojač posjeta
Ispis statistike od 26. 5. 2013.

Ukupno: 1303265
Ovaj mjesec: 6675
Ovaj tjedan: 45
Danas: 45
Povratak na prethodnu stranicu Ispiši članak Pošalji prijatelju
Europski certifikat kvalitete
Autor: Biljana Žutelija, 26. 10. 2018.

Prenosimo obavijest o nagradi:


We are pleased to announce the schools awarded the European Quality Label 2018!

Congratulations! Your school has been awarded the European Quality Label for the excellence of  the work in the eTwinning project "Our Magical Animal". This means that your work, the work of your students and your school have been recognised at the highest European level.

As a result you will receive a certificate which you can attach to your website(s) and  display in a prominent position in your school. Also, your project will be displayed in a special area on the European Portal at

Once again congratulations on this unique achievement and I hope that we may meet at one of the eTwinning events during the year.

With my best regards,
eTwinning Team


[ Povratak na prethodnu stranicu Povratak | Ispiši članak Ispiši članak | Pošalji prijatelju Pošalji prijatelju ]
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