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World Book Day, March 3!
Autor: Bojana Palijan, 3. 3. 2022.

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” ― Albert Einstein

On the first Thursday of March each year, World Book Day in the United Kingdom and Ireland tries to place a book in every child and young adult’s hand. In 2022, we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of World Book Day – with the message for all children ‘you are a reader‘! We are sending the same message with our second graders and their Fairy Tale Project. Students had to read their favourite fairy tale and describe a character from it. You can read some of their descriptions below.

And why fairy tales? Children learn from the characters in stories. Fairy tales teach valuable morals and lessons, they develop a child's imagination, and when you come to think of it...what can be better than a gift of fantasy?


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