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Collaborative Teaching: Walking Water
Autor: Bojana Palijan, 23. 3. 2022.

Year 3A had a very inspiring day on 22nd March. Our English class was organised to mark the Day of Gifted Students. It included a lecture and a workshop called The Science Behind the Walking Water Experiment carried out by teachers Marina and Bojana. That kind of teaching when two or more teachers teach the same group of students together is called collaborative or cooperative teaching. 

We learnt about primary and secondary colours; we set up the experiment and made predictions; we learnt how to follow simple instructions. Finally, we learnt about the forces that cause the water to move upwards. 

It was fun making experiments together, analysing data and drawing conclusions. You can see the handout we used below.

Priloženi dokumenti:
Walking_Water_Experiment.docx (294.41 KB)

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