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Project Day in Year 2: Clothes, Weather and Seasons
Autor: Bojana Palijan, 25. 4. 2022.

Students in Year 2 were given a task to draw themselves in different seasons and weather, wearing different outfits. Then, they had to use the drawings to give short speeches. They had to name the season, the weather and the clothes they were wearing in the pictures. Along with the instructions for the project, they were given a rubric which they could use for self-assessment and peer assessment.

You can see the given instructions and the rubric below, as well as some of the lovely drawings made by students to prompt speaking.

 Noa T.

 Jakov K.


 Mia F. Leona C.

 Anja C. 

 Astrid S.

 Andrea M.

 Neva P.

 Laura K.

 Leon D.


Priloženi dokumenti:
Unit_4_Project_time_(1).MP4 (468.72 KB)

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