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European Day of Languages
Autor: Bojana Palijan, 30. 9. 2022.

The European Day of Languages is celebrated on 26 September with a special aim to encourage language learning across Europe. Our school prepared several exciting and creative activities for our students to join schools all around Europe in celebrating this important day. 

It was a day of collaborative teaching for teachers of English, Croatian and geography. A wide range of activities created by teachers Anita Šehić, Marijeta Sikavica and Bojana Palijan provided a fun and enjoyable opportunity for Year 8 students to get to know the linguistic, geographical, and cultural diversity of the European countries. Students looked for specific information about the countries, used digital tools to translate useful expressions that would come in handy when travelling, tried to speak different languages and drew flags of the countries.

Year 5 students worked in groups to translate polite phrases such as ‘I’m sorry’, ‘thank you’, ‘I love you’, ‘welcome’, ‘hello’, and to create mini posters presenting the given word or phrase. In this collaborative activity, students learned to assign group roles, to manage time, to stay on task and to present the group’s ideas. In the photos below, you can see how creative our students were. 

It is said that the more languages you know, the more you are human. Learning new languages opens a gate to the world out there, a world full of opportunities. Create a richer life for yourself - learn a new language!

"One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way." - Frank Smith

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