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National Writing Competition HUPE in Storyland
Autor: Bojana Palijan, 17. 2. 2023.

For three years now, Croatian Association of Teachers of English (HUPE) organises the national short story writing competition for primary and secondary schools called HUPE in Storyland.

Our student Ema Rogina (8a) participated in the third National Competition with her intriguing story titled A Trip to the Subconscious. Out of 227 stories which were submitted, 94 competed in the category 7th and 8th grade. We are proud to announce that Ema’s story ranked 14th.

All stories will be published and sent to the participants’ school addresses. While we wait for the book to come our way, you can find Ema’s story on the link below. We invite you to read it: you’ll be amazed by the creativity and imagination of this remarkable young lady author.




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