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Osnovna škola Ivana Zajca Rijeka

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eTwinning school




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Ispis statistike od 26. 5. 2013.

Ukupno: 1303265
Ovaj mjesec: 6675
Ovaj tjedan: 45
Danas: 45
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The Week of Gifted Students 20-24 March
Autor: Bojana Palijan, 22. 3. 2023.

The Week of Gifted Students is organised every year in Rijeka by “Talent Promotion Centre Rijeka”, the association which is a part of The European Talent Support Network. All the activities, which include lectures, workshops, playrooms, presentations and professional gatherings at different locations in Rijeka, are carried out in cooperation with kindergartens, schools and cultural institutions.

It is the second year in a row that the English department of our school decided to take part in this huge project by organising workshops in our Year 3 and 4 classrooms celebrating World Water Day held on 22 March. The topics discussed were the water cycle in Year 4 and all the shapes of water in Year 3. The fourth-graders listened to the story Little Raindrop by Melanie Joyce, which explains the water cycle. The follow-up activities included naming the parts of the process, drawing it, and explaining the circling of water in the nature. The third-graders listened to the story Hey, water! By Antoinette Portis. They had to name different shapes of water, explain why water is important and how they use it, and create a thank you card which expresses their gratitude to water. You can see some of their creative thank you cards below.

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