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Osnovna škola Ivana Zajca Rijeka

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eTwinning school




Brojač posjeta
Ispis statistike od 26. 5. 2013.

Ukupno: 1303265
Ovaj mjesec: 6675
Ovaj tjedan: 45
Danas: 45
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HIPPO Preliminary Round Results
Autor: Bojana Palijan, 8. 4. 2023.

The preliminary round of the 11th HIPPO International English Language Olympiad competition was held at our school on 17 March 2023. Sixty students participated in four categories: Little Hippo (3rd grade), Hippo 1 (4th and 5th grade), Hippo 2 (6th grade) and Hippo 3 (7th and 8th grade).

The ranking lists for the HIPPO Croatia preliminary round were finally released on 7 April. You can check them below. The candidates highlighted in green have qualified for the semi-final round. We are proud to announce we have eight qualifiers for the semi-final round: Laura Damijanić (3b), Petra Kalajzić (4a), Petra Kiš (4a), Marta Nekić (4b), Karolina Peranić (5a), Laura Puljić (6b), Sara Vuletić (8b) and Ema Rogina (8a).

A big thank you to all the students who participated in the preliminary round and congratulations to the semi-finalists! Best of luck in the next stage of the competition!

Priloženi dokumenti:
CROATIA-HIPPO-1.pdf (751.06 KB)
CROATIA-HIPPO-2.pdf (448.16 KB)
CROATIA-HIPPO-3.pdf (481.38 KB)

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