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eTwinning school




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Hippo Language Olympiad Preliminary Round Held Successfully at Our School
Autor: Bojana Palijan, 15. 3. 2024.

We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of the preliminary round of the Hippo International English Language Olympiad, which took place at our school on March 15th. This exciting event saw enthusiastic participation from students across different grade levels, demonstrating their linguistic skills and passion for English language.

A total of 17 students from grades 4 and 5 participated in category Hippo 1. In category Hippo 2, which catered to 6th-grade students, we had 13 students showcasing their language abilities. Additionally, 13 students from grades 7 and 8 took part in category Hippo 3.

The coordination and smooth execution of the event were made possible thanks to the diligent efforts of our coordinator teacher, Bojana Palijan and invigilator teacher, Danijela Tatalović.

As we wrap up the preliminary round, we eagerly wait for the results and look forward to the next phase of the competition. With such talented participants, we are optimistic about our chances in the semi-final round.


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