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eTwinning school




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Ispis statistike od 26. 5. 2013.

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Croatian Book Night 2024
Autor: Bojana Palijan, 27. 4. 2024.

Croatian Book Night is an event launched in 2012 to celebrate the joy of reading books, if only for one day. The project aims to promote reading and foster a culture of reading. Throughout the week, from April 22nd to April 26th, we dedicated ourselves to books: we read them, discussed them, organized workshops, and storytelling sessions. 


Students from grade 4b, with their English teacher Bojana Palijan, participated in a workshop about emotions, worries and ways of dealing with them. They read and discussed a book called "Ruby Finds a Worry" by Tom Percival. Planned pre-reading activities aimed at building interest and preparing students for themes found in the book:

- identifying emotions and discussing different emotions students have experienced

- connecting feelings with the concept of worries

- discussing what worries children

- creating a list of their worries on the board

- predicting the story based on the title and illustrations


Activities after reading included:

- discussion about the picture book (characters, theme, problem, conclusion)

- drawing students’ versions of "worry" and explaining why they chose those specific features

- role-playing: acting out scenarios where characters help each other with their worries and give advice

- writing a letter to Ruby sharing their thoughts on the book, what they have learned, and how they could apply those lessons in their own lives

- performing simple breathing exercises to help students manage stress and worries together and discuss how they feel.


A student’s feedback: "We read the picture book in English, which I really liked. We talked about the picture book and talked about everything that bothers us even though we are 9 years old."

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